[] - copy/link statgit.css to target dir - Activity: gnuplot graphs of tables - development statistics generator for git - should be as versatile as statcvs / statsvn [Information] - git-log - git-ls-files - Current list of files - git-ls-tree -r - get a list of files in each revision - git-log --stat or --shortstat - N files changed, N insertions, N deletions - git-log --name-status - svn-like list of modifications for each commit - git-rev-list --all - first and last commit - git-show-ref --tags - not all tags are tags on refs? - git-log |git-shortlog -s - author: number of commits - git-what-changed - XXX git-log --pretty=oneline |wc -l != git-rev-list --all |wc -l - git-rev-list HEAD == git-log --pretty=oneline [Stats] - General - Report Period (git-log) - DONE Total Files (git-ls-files) - DONE Total LOC? - DONE Total Commits - DONE Authors - Activity by Time? - (G?) Last 30 days - (G?) Last 12 months - DONE Hour of Day - DONE Day of Week - Hour of weekday -> 7x25? - Month of Year - DONE Commits by year/month - DONE Commits by year - Authors - List of authors - show only first 10 and rest on separate page? - DONE (T): author, commits (%), LOC?, first commit, last commit - DONE (T): Developer of the Month: month, author, commits, LOC? - DONE (T): Author of Year - Files - Total Files - Average file size - Average revisions per file - (G) File Count by Date: x = date, y = files - (G) Average file size: x = date, y = lines/file - (T) File Extensions (or mime types from "file"?): extension, files (%), lines (%), lines/file - (T) Largest Files? - (T) Files With Most Revisions? - (G) Lines of Code: x = date, y = lines - Tags - DONE (T): Name, Date - Lines - Authors (count of people contributing after last version)? - Author page for each author - Name, mail - Total commits (%) - LOC (%) - Last commit: date - First commit: date - Activity by Clock Time - (G) Hour of Day - (G) Day of Week - (T) Activity in Directories: Directory, Changes, LOC, LOC/change - (Most Recent Commits?) [Stats in StatSVN] - General - Report Period (first/last date of commits) - Total files? - Total LOC? - Developers - Main stats - Lines of Code: x = date, y = lines, releases/tags as vertical lines - Table: Top 10 Authors: author, LOC (%) - Table: Repository tags: name, date, lines, LOC Churn, Developers - Tree: Directories: dir (N files, N lines) - Developers - Number of developers - Table: author, changes (%), LOC (%), LOC/change - Graph: Lines of Code: x = date, y = lines, colored lines for each author - Table: Developer of the Month: month, author, lines - Graph: Developer Activity - Graph: Author Activity (bar for each author, showing modifying/adding percentages) (could be table) - Graphs: Activity by Clock Time - Hour of Day - Day of Week - Commit logs - Lines of Code (same as main graph) - File Statistics - Graph: File Sizes and File Counts: x = date, y = files - Graph: Average File Size (x = date, y = LOC/file) - Table: File Types - Table: Largest Files - Table: Files With Most Revisions - Directory sizes - "Repo heatmap"? - LOC and Churn [Graphics] - Use gnuplot, graphviz etc ? [Usage] - $ statgit [-o html] /path/to/git /output/dir [name] - statgit or gitstats (no google hits for either) [Misc] - use sortable.js ? - could show some statistics from last year, month, etc... pisg-like? - style: tabs at top for different pages