# -*- coding: utf8 -*- ### # Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Valentin Lorentz # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the author of this software nor the name of # contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written consent. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ### import re import os import sys import time import urllib import random import datetime if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from io import BytesIO else: from cStringIO import StringIO as StringIO import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.world as world import supybot.log as log import supybot.conf as conf import supybot.utils as utils import supybot.ircdb as ircdb from supybot.commands import * import supybot.irclib as irclib import supybot.plugins as plugins import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.callbacks as callbacks import supybot.httpserver as httpserver try: import sqlite3 except ImportError: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 # for python2.4 try: from supybot.i18n import _PluginInternationalization class WebStatsInternationalization(_PluginInternationalization): def __init__(self): self.name = 'WebStats' try: self.loadLocale(conf.supybot.language()) except: pass _ = WebStatsInternationalization() except ImportError: _ = lambda x:x internationalizeDocstring = lambda x:x DEBUG = False testing = world.testing world.webStatsCacheLinks = {} ##################################################################### # Utilities ##################################################################### class FooException(Exception): pass if not hasattr(world, 'webStatsCacheLinks'): world.webStatsCacheLinks = {} colors = ['green', 'red', 'orange', 'blue', 'black', 'gray50', 'indigo'] def chooseColor(nick): global colors return random.choice(colors) def progressbar(item, max_): template = """
""" try: percent = round(float(item)/float(max_)*100) color = round((100-percent)/10)*3+59 template %= (item, percent, '#ef%i%i' % (color, color)) except ZeroDivisionError: template %= (item, 0, 'orange') return template def fillTable(items, page, orderby=None): output = '' nbDisplayed = 0 max_ = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for index in items: for index_ in range(0, len(max_)): max_[index_] = max(max_[index_], items[index][index_]) rowsList = [] while len(items) > 0: maximumIndex = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) highScore = -1 for index in items: if orderby is not None and items[index][orderby] > highScore: maximumIndex = index highScore = items[index][orderby] if orderby is None and index < maximumIndex: maximumIndex = index item = items.pop(maximumIndex) try: int(index) indexIsInt = True except: indexIsInt = False if sum(item[0:1] + item[3:]) > 5 or indexIsInt: rowsList.append((maximumIndex, item)) nbDisplayed += 1 for row in rowsList[int(page):int(page)+25]: index, row = row output += '%s' % index for cell in (progressbar(row[0], max_[0]), progressbar(row[1], max_[1]), progressbar(row[3], max_[3]), progressbar(row[4], max_[4]), progressbar(row[5], max_[5]), progressbar(row[6], max_[6]), progressbar(row[7], max_[7]), progressbar(row[8], max_[8]) ): output += cell output += '' return output, nbDisplayed headers = (_('Lines'), _('Words'), _('Joins'), _('Parts'), _('Quits'), _('Nick changes'), _('Kicks'), _('Kicked')) tableHeaders = '' for header in headers: tableHeaders += '' %\ (header, header) tableHeaders += '' nameToColumnIndex = {_('lines'):0,_('words'):1,_('chars'):2,_('joins'):3, _('parts'):4,_('quits'):5,_('nick changes'):6,_('kickers'):7, _('kicked'):8,_('kicks'):7} def getTable(firstColumn, items, channel, urlLevel, page, orderby): percentParameter = tuple() for foo in range(1, len(tableHeaders.split('%s'))-1): percentParameter += ('./' + '../'*(urlLevel-4),) if len(percentParameter) == 1: percentParameter += (firstColumn,) output = tableHeaders % percentParameter if orderby is not None: if sys.version_info[0] >= 0: orderby = urllib.parse.unquote(orderby) else: orderby = urllib.unquote(orderby) try: index = nameToColumnIndex[orderby] html, nbDisplayed = fillTable(items, page, index) except KeyError: orderby = None if orderby is None: html, nbDisplayed = fillTable(items, page) output += html output += '
' return output, nbDisplayed ##################################################################### # Templates ##################################################################### PAGE_SKELETON = """\ Supybot WebStats %%s """ % time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') DEFAULT_TEMPLATES = { 'webstats/design.css': """\ body, html { text-align: center; } li { list-style-type: none; } #footer { width: 100%; font-size: 0.6em; text-align: right; } .chanslist li a:visited { color: blue; } table { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .progressbar { border: orange 1px solid; height: 20px; } .progressbar .color { background-color: orange; height: 20px; text-align: center; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; } .progressbar .text { position: absolute; width: 150px; text-align: center; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; }""", 'webstats/index.html': PAGE_SKELETON % ('class="purelisting"', """\


"""), 'webstats/global.html': PAGE_SKELETON % ('', """\

Stats about %(channel)s channel

View nick-by-nick stats

View links

There were %(quick_stats)s

%(table)s"""), 'webstats/nicks.html': PAGE_SKELETON % ('', """\

Stats about %(channel)s channel

View global stats

View links



"""), } httpserver.set_default_templates(DEFAULT_TEMPLATES) ##################################################################### # Controller ##################################################################### class WebStatsServerCallback(httpserver.SupyHTTPServerCallback): name = 'WebStats' def doGet(self, handler, path): output = '' splittedPath = path.split('/') try: if path == '/design.css': response = 200 content_type = 'text/css; charset=utf-8' output = httpserver.get_template('webstats/design.css') elif path == '/': response = 200 content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' output = self.get_index() elif path == '/global/': response = 404 content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' output = """


You played with the URL, you lost.

""" elif splittedPath[1] in ('nicks', 'global', 'links') \ and path[-1]=='/'\ or splittedPath[1] == 'nicks' and \ path.endswith('.htm'): response = 200 content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' if splittedPath[1] == 'links': try: import pygraphviz content_type = 'image/png' except ImportError: content_type = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' response = 501 self.send_response(response) self.send_header('Content-type', content_type) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write('Links cannot be displayed; ask ' 'the bot owner to install python-pygraphviz.') self.wfile.close() return assert len(splittedPath) > 2 chanName = splittedPath[2].replace('%20', '#') page = splittedPath[-1][0:-len('.htm')] if page == '': page = '0' if splittedPath[1] == 'nicks': formatter = self.get_nicks elif splittedPath[1] == 'global': formatter = self.get_global elif splittedPath[1] == 'links': formatter = self.get_links else: raise AssertionError(splittedPath[1]) if len(splittedPath) == 3: _.loadLocale(self.plugin._getLanguage(chanName)) output = formatter(len(splittedPath), chanName, page) else: assert len(splittedPath) > 3 _.loadLocale(self.plugin._getLanguage(chanName)) subdir = splittedPath[3].lower() output = formatter(len(splittedPath), chanName, page, subdir) else: response = 404 content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' output = httpserver.get_template('generic/error.html') % \ {'title': 'WebStats - not found', 'error': 'Requested page is not found. Sorry.'} except Exception as e: response = 500 content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8' if output == '': error = '

Internal server error

' if DEBUG: error = '

The server raised this exception: %s

' % \ repr(e) output = httpserver.get_template('generic/error.html') % \ {'title': 'Internal server error', 'error': error} finally: self.send_response(response) self.send_header('Content-type', content_type) self.end_headers() if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: output = output.encode() self.wfile.write(output) def get_index(self): template = httpserver.get_template('webstats/index.html') channels = self.db.getChannels() if len(channels) == 0: title = _('Stats available for no channels') elif len(channels) == 1: title = _('Stats available for a channel:') else: title = _('Stats available for channels:') channels_html = '' for channel in channels: channels_html += ('
  • ' '%s
  • ') % \ (channel[1:].replace('#', ' '), # Strip the leading # _('View the stats for the %s channel') % channel, channel) return template % {'title': title, 'channels': channels_html} def get_global(self, urlLevel, channel, page, orderby=None): template = httpserver.get_template('webstats/global.html') channel = '#' + channel items = self.db.getChanGlobalData(channel) bound = self.db.getChanRecordingTimeBoundaries(channel) hourly_items = self.db.getChanXXlyData(channel, 'hour') replacement = {'channel': channel, 'escaped_channel': channel[1:].replace('#', ' '), 'quick_stats': utils.str.format( '%n, %n, %n, %n, %n, %n, %n, and %n.', (items[0], _('line')), (items[1], _('word')), (items[2], _('char')), (items[3], _('join')), (items[4], _('part')), (items[5], _('quit')), (items[6], _('nick change')), (items[8], _('kick'))), 'table': getTable(_('Hour'), hourly_items, channel, urlLevel, page, orderby)[0] } return template % replacement def get_nicks(self, urlLevel, channel, page, orderby=None): channel = '#' + channel template = httpserver.get_template('webstats/nicks.html') items = self.db.getChanGlobalData(channel) bound = self.db.getChanRecordingTimeBoundaries(channel) nickly_items = self.db.getChanNickGlobalData(channel, 20) table, nbItems = getTable(_('Nick'), nickly_items, channel, urlLevel, page, orderby) page = int(page) pagination = '' if nbItems >= 25: if page == 0: pagination += '1 ' else: pagination += '1 ' if page > 100: pagination += '... ' for i in range(int(max(1,page/25-3)),int(min(nbItems/25-1,page/25+3))): if page != i*25-1: pagination += '%i ' % (i*25-1, i*25) else: pagination += '%i ' % (i*25) if nbItems - page > 100: pagination += '... ' if page == nbItems-24-1: pagination += '%i' % (nbItems-24) else: pagination += '%i' % (nbItems-24-1, nbItems-24) replacement = { 'channel': channel, 'escaped_channel': channel[1:].replace('#', ' '), 'table': table, 'pagination': pagination, } return template % replacement def get_links(self, urlLevel, channel, page, orderby=None): import pygraphviz cache = world.webStatsCacheLinks channel = '#' + channel items = self.db.getChanLinks(channel) output = '' if channel in cache and cache[channel][0] > time.time() - 3600: output = cache[channel][1] else: graph = pygraphviz.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True, start='regular', smoothing='spring', size='40') # /!\ Size is in inches /!\ items = [(x,y,float(z)) for x,y,z in items] if not items: graph.add_node('No links for the moment.') buffer_ = BytesIO() graph.draw(buffer_, prog='circo', format='png') buffer_.seek(0) output = buffer_.read() return output graph.add_node('#root#', style='invisible') insertedNicks = {} divideBy = max([z for x,y,z in items])/10 for item in items: for i in (0, 1): if item[i] not in insertedNicks: try: insertedNicks.update({item[i]: chooseColor(item[i])}) graph.add_node(item[i], color=insertedNicks[item[i]], fontcolor=insertedNicks[item[i]]) graph.add_edge(item[i], '#root#', style='invisible', arrowsize=0, color='white') except: # Probably unicode issue pass graph.add_edge(item[0], item[1], arrowhead='vee', color=insertedNicks[item[1]], penwidth=item[2]/divideBy, arrowsize=item[2]/divideBy/2+1) buffer_ = BytesIO() graph.draw(buffer_, prog='circo', format='png') buffer_.seek(0) output = buffer_.read() cache.update({channel: (time.time(), output)}) return output ##################################################################### # Database ##################################################################### class WebStatsDB: def __init__(self): filename = conf.supybot.directories.data.dirize('WebStats.db') alreadyExists = os.path.exists(filename) if alreadyExists and testing: os.remove(filename) alreadyExists = False self._conn = sqlite3.connect(filename, check_same_thread = False) self._conn.text_factory = str if not alreadyExists: self.makeDb() def makeDb(self): """Create the tables in the database""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE messages ( chan VARCHAR(128), nick VARCHAR(128), time TIMESTAMP, content TEXT )""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE moves ( chan VARCHAR(128), nick VARCHAR(128), time TIMESTAMP, type VARCHAR(16), content TEXT )""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE links_cache ( chan VARCHAR(128), `from` VARCHAR(128), `to` VARCHAR(128), `count` VARCHAR(128))""") cacheTableCreator = """CREATE TABLE %s_cache ( chan VARCHAR(128), %s year INT, month TINYINT, day TINYINT, dayofweek TINYINT, hour TINYINT, lines INTEGER, words INTEGER, chars INTEGER, joins INTEGER, parts INTEGER, quits INTEGER, nicks INTEGER, kickers INTEGER, kickeds INTEGER )""" cursor.execute(cacheTableCreator % ('chans', '')) cursor.execute(cacheTableCreator % ('nicks', 'nick VARCHAR(128),')) self._conn.commit() cursor.close() def getChannels(self): """Get a list of channels in the database""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT(chan) FROM chans_cache""") results = [] for row in cursor: results.append(row[0]) cursor.close() return results def recordMessage(self, chan, nick, message): """Called by doPrivmsg or onNotice. Stores the message in the database""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO messages VALUES (?,?,?,?)""", (chan, nick, time.time(), message)) self._conn.commit() cursor.close() if DEBUG or random.randint(0,50) == 10: self.refreshCache() def recordMove(self, chan, nick, type_, message=''): """Called by doJoin, doPart, or doQuit. Stores the 'move' in the database""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO moves VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)""", (chan, nick, time.time(), type_, message)) self._conn.commit() cursor.close() if DEBUG or random.randint(0,50) == 10: self.refreshCache() _regexpAddressedTo = re.compile('^(?P[^:, ]+)[:,]') def refreshCache(self): """Clears the cache tables, and populate them""" self._truncateCache() tmp_chans_cache = {} tmp_nicks_cache = {} tmp_links_cache = {} cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM messages""") for row in cursor: chan, nick, timestamp, content = row chanindex, nickindex = self._getIndexes(chan, nick, timestamp) self._incrementTmpCache(tmp_chans_cache, chanindex, content) self._incrementTmpCache(tmp_nicks_cache, nickindex, content) matched = self._regexpAddressedTo.match(content) if matched is not None: to = matched.group('nick') if chan not in tmp_links_cache: tmp_links_cache.update({chan: {}}) if nick not in tmp_links_cache[chan]: tmp_links_cache[chan].update({nick: {}}) if to not in tmp_links_cache[chan][nick]: tmp_links_cache[chan][nick].update({to: 0}) tmp_links_cache[chan][nick][to] += 1 for chan, nicks in list(tmp_links_cache.items()): for nick, tos in list(nicks.items()): # Yes, tos is the plural for to for to, count in list(tos.items()): if to not in nicks: continue cursor.execute('INSERT INTO links_cache VALUES(?,?,?,?)', (chan, nick, to, count)) cursor.close() cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT * FROM moves""") for row in cursor: chan, nick, timestamp, type_, content = row chanindex, nickindex = self._getIndexes(chan, nick, timestamp) self._addKeyInTmpCacheIfDoesNotExist(tmp_chans_cache, chanindex) self._addKeyInTmpCacheIfDoesNotExist(tmp_nicks_cache, nickindex) id = {'join':3,'part':4,'quit':5,'nick':6,'kicker':7,'kicked':8} id = id[type_] tmp_chans_cache[chanindex][id] += 1 tmp_nicks_cache[nickindex][id] += 1 cursor.close() self._writeTmpCacheToCache(tmp_chans_cache, 'chan') self._writeTmpCacheToCache(tmp_nicks_cache, 'nick') self._conn.commit() def _addKeyInTmpCacheIfDoesNotExist(self, tmpCache, key): """Takes a temporary cache list and key. If the key is not in the list, add it in the list with value list filled with zeros.""" if key not in tmpCache: tmpCache.update({key: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}) def _truncateCache(self): """Clears the cache tables""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM chans_cache""") cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM nicks_cache""") cursor.execute("""DELETE FROM links_cache""") cursor.close() def _incrementTmpCache(self, tmpCache, index, content): """Takes a temporary cache list, the index it'll increment, and the message content. Updates the temporary cache to count the content.""" self._addKeyInTmpCacheIfDoesNotExist(tmpCache, index) tmpCache[index][0] += 1 tmpCache[index][1] += len(content.split(' ')) tmpCache[index][2] += len(content) def _getIndexes(self, chan, nick, timestamp): """Takes a chan name, a nick, and a timestamp, and returns two index, to crawl the temporary chans and nicks caches.""" dt = datetime.datetime.today() dt = dt.fromtimestamp(timestamp) chanindex = (chan,dt.year,dt.month,dt.day,dt.weekday(),dt.hour) nickindex = (chan,nick,dt.year,dt.month,dt.day,dt.weekday(),dt.hour) return chanindex, nickindex def _writeTmpCacheToCache(self, tmpCache, type_): """Takes a temporary cache list, its type, and write it in the cache database.""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() for index in tmpCache: data = tmpCache[index] values = index + tuple(data) cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO %ss_cache VALUES(%s)""" % (type_, ('?,'*len(values))[0:-1]), values) cursor.close() def getChanGlobalData(self, chanName): """Returns a tuple, containing the channel stats, on all the recording period.""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT SUM(lines), SUM(words), SUM(chars), SUM(joins), SUM(parts), SUM(quits), SUM(nicks), SUM(kickers), SUM(kickeds) FROM chans_cache WHERE chan=?""", (chanName,)) row = cursor.fetchone() if None in row: oldrow = row row = None for item in oldrow: if row is None: row = (0,) else: row += (0,) assert None not in row return row def getChanRecordingTimeBoundaries(self, chanName): """Returns two tuples, containing the min and max values of each year/month/day/dayofweek/hour field. Note that this data comes from the cache, so they might be a bit outdated if DEBUG is False.""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT MIN(year), MIN(month), MIN(day), MIN(dayofweek), MIN(hour) FROM chans_cache WHERE chan=?""", (chanName,)) min_ = cursor.fetchone() cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT MAX(year), MAX(month), MAX(day), MAX(dayofweek), MAX(hour) FROM chans_cache WHERE chan=?""", (chanName,)) max_ = cursor.fetchone() if None in min_: min_ = tuple([int('0') for x in max_]) if None in max_: max_ = tuple([int('0') for x in max_]) assert None not in min_ assert None not in max_ return min_, max_ def getChanXXlyData(self, chanName, type_): """Same as getChanGlobalData, but for the given year/month/day/dayofweek/hour. For example, getChanXXlyData('#test', 'hour') returns a list of 24 getChanGlobalData-like tuples.""" sampleQuery = """SELECT SUM(lines), SUM(words), SUM(chars), SUM(joins), SUM(parts), SUM(quits), SUM(nicks), SUM(kickers), SUM(kickeds) FROM chans_cache WHERE chan=? and %s=?""" min_, max_ = self.getChanRecordingTimeBoundaries(chanName) typeToIndex = {"year":0, "month":1, "day":2, "dayofweek":3, "hour":4} if type_ not in typeToIndex: raise ValueError("Invalid type") min_ = min_[typeToIndex[type_]] max_ = max_[typeToIndex[type_]] results = {} for index in range(min_, max_+1): query = sampleQuery % (type_) cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (chanName, index)) try: row = cursor.fetchone() assert row is not None if None in row: row=tuple([0 for x in range(0,len(row))]) results.update({index: row}) except: self._addKeyInTmpCacheIfDoesNotExist(results, index) cursor.close() assert None not in results return results def getChanNickGlobalData(self, chanName, nick): """Same as getChanGlobalData, but only for one nick.""" cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT nick, lines, words, chars, joins, parts, quits, nicks, kickers, kickeds FROM nicks_cache WHERE chan=?""", (chanName,)) results = {} for row in cursor: if row[0] not in results: results.update({row[0]: row[1:]}) else: results.update({row[0]: tuple(sum(i) for i in zip(row[1:], results[row[0]]))}) return results def getChanLinks(self, chanName): cursor = self._conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT `from`, `to`, `count` FROM links_cache WHERE chan=?""", (chanName,)) return cursor def clearChannel(self, channel): cursor = self._conn.cursor() for table in ('messages', 'moves', 'links_cache', 'chans_cache', 'nicks_cache'): cursor.execute('DELETE FROM %s WHERE chan=?' % table, (channel,)) ##################################################################### # Plugin ##################################################################### class WebStats(callbacks.Plugin): def __init__(self, irc): self.__parent = super(WebStats, self) callbacks.Plugin.__init__(self, irc) self.lastmsg = {} self.ircstates = {} self.db = WebStatsDB() callback = WebStatsServerCallback() callback.plugin = self callback.db = self.db httpserver.hook('webstats', callback) def die(self): httpserver.unhook('webstats') self.__parent.die() def clear(self, irc, msg, args, channel, optlist): """[] Clear database for the . If is not given, it defaults to the current channel.""" capability = ircdb.makeChannelCapability(channel, 'op') if not ircdb.checkCapability(msg.prefix, capability): irc.errorNoCapability(capability, Raise=True) if not optlist: irc.reply(_('Running this command will wipe all webstats data ' 'for the channel. If you are sure you want to do this, ' 'add the --confirm switch.')) return self.db.clearChannel(channel) irc.replySuccess() clear = wrap(clear, ['channel', getopts({'confirm': ''})]) def doPrivmsg(self, irc, msg): channel = msg.args[0] if not channel.startswith('#'): return if channel == 'AUTH': return if not self.registryValue('channel.enable', channel): return content = msg.args[1] nick = msg.prefix.split('!')[0] if nick in self.registryValue('channel.excludenicks', channel) \ .split(' '): return self.db.recordMessage(channel, nick, content) doNotice = doPrivmsg def doJoin(self, irc, msg): channel = msg.args[0] if not self.registryValue('channel.enable', channel): return nick = msg.prefix.split('!')[0] if nick in self.registryValue('channel.excludenicks', channel) \ .split(' '): return self.db.recordMove(channel, nick, 'join') def doPart(self, irc, msg): channel = msg.args[0] if not self.registryValue('channel.enable', channel): return if len(msg.args) > 1: message = msg.args[1] else: message = '' nick = msg.prefix.split('!')[0] if nick in self.registryValue('channel.excludenicks', channel) \ .split(' '): return self.db.recordMove(channel, nick, 'part', message) def doQuit(self, irc, msg): nick = msg.prefix.split('!')[0] if len(msg.args) > 1: message = msg.args[1] else: message = '' for channel in self.ircstates[irc].channels: if nick in self.registryValue('channel.excludenicks', channel) \ .split(' '): continue if self.registryValue('channel.enable', channel) and \ msg.nick in self.ircstates[irc].channels[channel].users: self.db.recordMove(channel, nick, 'quit', message) def doNick(self, irc, msg): nick = msg.prefix.split('!')[0] if len(msg.args) > 1: message = msg.args[1] else: message = '' for channel in self.ircstates[irc].channels: if nick in self.registryValue('channel.excludenicks', channel) \ .split(' '): continue if self.registryValue('channel.enable', channel) and \ msg.nick in self.ircstates[irc].channels[channel].users: self.db.recordMove(channel, nick, 'nick', message) def doKick(self, irc, msg): nick = msg.prefix.split('!')[0] if len(msg.args) > 1: message = msg.args[1] else: message = '' for channel in self.ircstates[irc].channels: if nick in self.registryValue('channel.excludenicks', channel) \ .split(' '): continue if self.registryValue('channel.enable', channel) and \ msg.nick in self.ircstates[irc].channels[channel].users: self.db.recordMove(channel, nick, 'kicker', message) self.db.recordMove(channel, msg.args[1], 'kicked', message) def _getLanguage(self, channel): return self.registryValue('channel.language', '#' + channel) # The fellowing functions comes from the Relay plugin, provided # with Supybot def __call__(self, irc, msg): try: irc = self._getRealIrc(irc) if irc not in self.ircstates: self._addIrc(irc) self.ircstates[irc].addMsg(irc, self.lastmsg[irc]) finally: self.lastmsg[irc] = msg self.__parent.__call__(irc, msg) def _addIrc(self, irc): # Let's just be extra-special-careful here. if irc not in self.ircstates: self.ircstates[irc] = irclib.IrcState() if irc not in self.lastmsg: self.lastmsg[irc] = ircmsgs.ping('this is just a fake message') if irc.afterConnect: # We've probably been reloaded. Let's send some messages to get # our IrcState objects up to current. for channel in irc.state.channels: irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.who(channel)) irc.queueMsg(ircmsgs.names(channel)) def _getRealIrc(self, irc): if isinstance(irc, irclib.Irc): return irc else: return irc.getRealIrc() Class = WebStats # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79: