LimnoriaChan - #Limnoria factoids, Limnoria issues linker etc. # LimnoriaChan LimnoriaChan is meant for use on [#Limnoria] and is loaded on Limnoria there. # Usage LimnoriaChan has two commands called "issue" and "issuepl". Issue opens an issue to [Limnorias issue tracker] and issuepl to [issue tracker of ProgVals Supybot-plugins]. [#Limnoria]:irc:// [Limnorias issue tracker]: [issue tracker of ProgVals Supybot-plugins]: LimnoriaChan also includes factoids and ability to get issue links. They can be get by saying e.g %%issue#123 on channel, which returns , or e.g %%git , which returns the git clone URL for Limnoria, git:// .