#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys from sys import exit import os def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: pathfile = sys.argv[1] pathfile = str(pathfile) else: extra_commands("-h") exit() extra_commands(pathfile) for i in range(len(sys.argv) - 1): temparg = i + 1 if os.path.exists(sys.argv[temparg]): if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[temparg]) == True: print(read_file(sys.argv[temparg]), end="") else: print("Is a Folder") else: print("your file does not exists") def impread(path): if os.path.exists(path): if os.path.isfile(path): return read_file(path) else: return "Is a Folder" else: return "your file does not exists" def listdir(path): print(os.listdir(path)) def extra_commands(arg): if arg == "-h" or arg == "--help": print("wer is a program to read file with terminal") print("Use:") print(" Normal:") print(" wer read the file") print() print(" -h or --help help") print() print(" -v or --version see version") print() print(" -f or --file-exists see if the file exists") print(" Use:") print(" -f ") print() print(" -c or --create-file create file if it doesn't exist") print(" Use:") print(" -c ") print() print(" -w or --write-file Create a file, and write to a file") print(" Use:") print(" -w \"\"") print() print(" -a or --add-file Add text to a file") print(" Use:") print(" -a \"\"") print() print(" -l or --list-dir list directory") print(" Use:") print(" -l list current directory") print(" -l list directory") print() print(" -rm or --remove remove file") print(" Use:") print(" -rm ") print() print(" -cc or --clear-console clear console") exit() elif arg == "-v" or arg == "--version": print("0.5") exit() elif arg == "-f" or arg == "--file-exists": if len(sys.argv) > 2: if file_exists(str(sys.argv[2])) == True: print(str(sys.argv[2]) + " exists") else: print("Not exists") else: print("-f or --file-exists See if the file exists") print(" Use:") print(" -f ") exit() elif arg == "-c" or arg == "--create-file": if len(sys.argv) > 2: creating = createfile(sys.argv[2]) if creating == "isfolder": print("cannot create folders") elif creating == "fileexists": print("The File exists") elif creating == "folderdoesnotexist": print("Folder doesn't exist") else: print(" -c or --create-file Create file if it doesn't exist") print(" Use:") print(" -c ") exit() elif arg == "-w" or arg == "--write-file": if len(sys.argv) > 3: text=str(sys.argv[3]) creating = createfile(sys.argv[2], write='w', text=text) if creating == "isfolder": print("cannot create folders") elif creating == "fileexists": print("The File exists") elif creating == "folderdoesnotexist": print("Folder doesn't exist") else: print(" -w or --write-file Create a file, and write to a file") print(" Use:") print(" -w \"\"") exit() elif arg == "-a" or arg == "--add-file": if len(sys.argv) > 3: text=str(sys.argv[3]) creating = createfile(sys.argv[2], write='a', text=text) if creating == "isfolder": print("cannot create folders") elif creating == "fileexists": print("The File exists") elif creating == "folderdoesnotexist": print("Folder doesn't exist") else: print(" -a or --add-file Add text to a file") print(" Use:") print(" -a \"\"") exit() elif arg == "-l" or arg == "--list-dir": if len(sys.argv) > 2: patha = str(sys.argv[2]) if os.path.isdir(patha): ls = os.listdir(patha) else: ls = os.listdir(patha.replace(os.path.basename(patha), "")) else: ls = os.listdir('.') i = 0 for i in range (len(ls)): print("- " + ls[i]) exit() elif arg == "-rm" or arg == "--remove": if len(sys.argv) > 2: patha = str(sys.argv[2]) if os.path.exists(patha): if os.path.isfile(patha): os.remove(patha) exit() else: print("not file") exit() else: print("the file doesn't exist") exit() else: print(" -rm or --remove remove file") print(" Use:") print(" -rm ") exit() elif arg == "-cc" or arg == "--clear-console": os.system('clear||cls') exit() def createfile(path, write='x', text=""): arg2 = str(path) if arg2.endswith("/") or arg2.endswith("\\"): return "isfolder" if file_exists(arg2): if write == 'x': return "fileexists" if folder_exists(arg2) == False: return "folderdoesnotexist" fp = open(arg2, write) if write != 'x': fp.write(str(text)) fp.close() return "done" def folder_exists(pathfile): if "/" in pathfile or "\\" in pathfile: name = os.path.basename(pathfile) path = pathfile.replace(name,"") if os.path.exists(path): return True else: return False return True def file_exists(pathfile): if os.path.exists(pathfile): return True else: return False def read_file(pathfile): file = open(pathfile,'r', errors="ignore", encoding='utf8') contents = file.read() return contents if __name__ == '__main__': main()