{ "homepage": "https://www.yamagi.org/quake2/", "description": "Conservative Quake 2 source port focused on singleplayer and cooperative gameplay", "version": "8.00", "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later", "url": "https://deponie.yamagi.org/quake2/windows/quake2-8.00.zip", "hash": "86390febd8b50aabd4acf4aaa9852b8c95704a439e1b6355e0db6365b026e8a3", "extract_dir": "quake2-8.00", "bin": [ "yquake2.exe", "q2ded.exe" ], "shortcuts": [ [ "yquake2.exe", "Yamagi Quake 2" ], [ "yquake2.exe", "Yamagi Quake 2 (Ground Zero)", "+set game rogue" ], [ "yquake2.exe", "Yamagi Quake 2 (The Reckoning)", "+set game xatrix" ], [ "yquake2.exe", "Yamagi Quake 2 (Zaero)", "+set game zaero" ] ], "persist": [ "baseq2", "rogue", "xatrix", "zaero" ], "notes": [ "Place game data files (such as pak0.pak-pak2.pak) in:", "", "- Quake 2:", " $persist_dir\\baseq2\\", "", "- Quake 2 - Ground Zero:", " $persist_dir\\rogue\\", "", "- Quake 2 - The Reckoning:", " $persist_dir\\xatrix\\", "", "- Quake 2 - Zaero:", " $persist_dir\\zaero\\", "", "The last of which was never released as an official expansion, but later showed up as a free download on the web - you should be able to find it easily by searching for it.", "", "Music", "-----", "", "For the base game, copy all the tracks into the baseq2/music directory following the trackXX.[ogg,flac,mp3,wav] naming scheme (so track02.ogg, track03.ogg... for OGG files etc.).", "", "For Ground Zero, The Reckoning and Zaero, copy the tracks to rogue/music, xatrix/music, and zaero/music directories respectively.", "", "Tip: Create a soft symbolic link to the music directory if you want to save space.", "" ], "checkver": { "url": "https://deponie.yamagi.org/quake2/windows", "regex": "(?'ver'\\d\\.\\d{2}[a-z]?)", "reverse": true, "replace": "${ver}" }, "autoupdate": { "url": "https://deponie.yamagi.org/quake2/windows/quake2-$matchVer.zip", "extract_dir": "quake2-$matchVer" } }