{ "homepage": "https://www.doomretro.com/", "description": "A classic redefined DOOM source port", "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", "version": "4.4.8", "architecture": { "64bit": { "url": "https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/releases/download/v4.4.8/doomretro-4.4.8-win64.zip", "hash": "80525f7610a1cfce0be42ede54404f5e65820d4935d441f717804c935177b43f" }, "32bit": { "url": "https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/releases/download/v4.4.8/doomretro-4.4.8-win32.zip", "hash": "3509c45b5f594e431e77ff0358ab63d2bb738b1a30de3863f15212d02856d980" } }, "pre_install": [ "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\doomretro.cfg\")) {", " New-Item -ItemType File \"$dir\\doomretro.cfg\" | Out-Null", "}", "if (!(Test-Path \"$scoopdir\\persist\\_doom\")) {", " New-item \"$scoopdir\\persist\\_doom\" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null", "}" ], "bin": "doomretro.exe", "shortcuts": [ [ "doomretro.exe", "DOOM Retro" ] ], "persist": [ "savegames", "screenshots", "doomretro.cfg" ], "checkver": { "github": "https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/" }, "autoupdate": { "architecture": { "64bit": { "url": "https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/releases/download/v$version/doomretro-$version-win64.zip" }, "32bit": { "url": "https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/releases/download/v$version/doomretro-$version-win32.zip" } } }, "notes": [ "", "ATTENTION: DOOM Retro requires WAD files, e.g. from a commercial DOOM copy (DOOM 1, 2, Ultimate DOOM, etc).", "", "Place the WAD files in the _doom directory which is under your persist dir.", "", "If you want to bind controls in the config file, here are some examples:", "", "bind capslock +alwaysrun", "bind 's' +back", "bind mouse1 +fire", "", "Basically, it's: bind control +action, where singular letters and signs need to have apostrophes surrounding them in the config file.", "", "See the corresponding wiki section here for reference: https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro/wiki/CONSOLE-COMMANDS#ACTIONS", "" ] }