{ "homepage": "http://melonds.kuribo64.net/", "description": "A Nintendo DS emulator aiming for fast and accurate emulation", "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", "version": "0.9.1", "url": "https://github.com/Arisotura/melonDS/releases/download/0.9.1/melonDS_0.9.1_win64.7z", "hash": "6f30ab3194cec4a31649c7e404a91353151f6c6fa04f97ad19c57b39970de46d", "installer": { "script": [ "$FILE = 'bios7.bin'", "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\$FILE\")) {", " Write-Host 'No' $FILE 'found. Creating dummy' $FILE'.' -f Yellow", " New-Item \"$dir\\$FILE\" -Type File | Out-Null", "}", "$FILE = 'bios9.bin'", "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\$FILE\")) {", " Write-Host 'No' $FILE 'found. Creating dummy' $FILE'.' -f Yellow", " New-Item \"$dir\\$FILE\" -Type File | Out-Null", "}", "$FILE = 'firmware.bin'", "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\$FILE\")) {", " Write-Host 'No' $FILE 'found. Creating dummy' $FILE'.' -f Yellow", " New-Item \"$dir\\$FILE\" -Type File | Out-Null", "}", "$FILE = 'melonDS.ini'", "if (!(Test-Path \"$persist_dir\\$FILE\")) {", " New-Item \"$dir\\$FILE\" -Type File | Out-Null", "}" ] }, "bin": "melonDS.exe", "shortcuts": [ [ "melonDS.exe", "melonDS" ] ], "persist": [ "bios7.bin", "bios9.bin", "firmware.bin", "melonDS.ini" ], "notes": [ "ATTENTION: MelonDS requires BIOS and firmware files dumped from a Nintendo DS to function.", "Replace the dummy bios7.bin, bios9.bin, and firmware.bin files inside $persist_dir You must only do this once.", "Visit http://melonds.kuribo64.net/faq.php for more information." ], "checkver": { "github": "https://github.com/Arisotura/melonDS" }, "autoupdate": { "url": "https://github.com/Arisotura/melonDS/releases/download/$version/melonDS_$version_win64.7z" } }