name = Karsthafen bridge author = -sniper-, solars and Peters license = CC-BY-SA 4.0. Adaptation of "Karsthafen" (, by solars and Peters, from the Minetest forums ( others = This map was taken from Karsthafen town region in the original Karsthafen map, created by solars and Peters and converted into a CTF map by -sniper-. r = 100 h = 130 rotation = x team.1 = red team.1.color = red team.1.pos = (-27,1,96) team.2 = blue team.2.color = blue team.2.pos = (39,-1,-96) initial_stuff = default:pick_stone,default:sword_stone,default:torch 3 chests.1.n = 70 chests.1.from = -99,-25,-99 = 99,30,-1 chests.2.n = 70 chests.2.from = 100,-25,100 = -100,30,0 screenshot = karsthafen_bridge.png