Mail mod for Minetest (webmail component) ====== This is the webmail component for the minetest mail mod The ingame mod lives here: # Screenshots Ingame mail ![](pics/ingame.png?raw=true) Webmail ![](pics/webmail.png?raw=true) # Installation The webmail component runs as webservice and provides the api for the minetest server and the website for the webmail component ## Bare metal Prerequisites: * node and npm (on ubuntu: apt install nodejs npm) To install and run the webmail server: * run "npm install" to install the node dependencies * generate a secret key for yourself, can be anything string-like, i suggest one from * Edit the "" file and insert the secret key in place of "myserverkey" * run "./" ## Docker ```bash sudo docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -e WEBMAILKEY=myserverkey minetestmail/mail ``` # Mod configuration To set up your minetest installation to communicate with the webmail server, edit your "minetest.conf": ``` # enable curl/http on that mod secure.http_mods = mail # the url to the webmail server webmail.url = # the secret key previously generated (same as in "webmail/") webmail.key = myserverkey # optionally, if you have xban2 and don't want banned users to login: webmail.disallow_banned_players = true ``` # Roadmap The current roadmap: * Enhance ingame UI * Better ingame notification * Enhance webmail component * Allow sending attachments # Bugs Let me know if there are any (there are for sure:) # License See the "LICENSE" file