minetest.register_craftitem("quests:dungeon_token",{ description = "Dungeon Token", inventory_image = "quests_dungeon_token.png", stack_max = 999, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local message = "" if pointed_thing.type == "node" then local n = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under) message = user:get_player_name() .. " taps their Dungeon Token loudly on a " .. minetest.registered_nodes[n.name]['description'] .. " to draw your attention to their many dungeon conquests!" end if pointed_thing.type == "object" then if pointed_thing.ref:is_player() then local n2 = pointed_thing.ref:get_player_name() message = user:get_player_name() .. " hits " .. n2 .. " with their Dungeon Token to draw your attention to their many dungeon conquests!" else message = user:get_player_name() .. " waves their Dungeon Token around in the air to draw your attention to their many dungeon conquests!" end end if pointed_thing.type == "nothing" then message = user:get_player_name() .. " waves their Dungeon Token around in the air to draw your attention to their many dungeon conquests!" end if message ~= "" then chat.local_chat(user:getpos(),message,25) end end, })