FormSpeccer API v 0.3 (alpha) This API is still under development, please ensure you are aware of this. -------- The FormSpeccer API is a helper tool to allow you to create formspecs using the more familiar "tabular" notation used throughout minetest, rather than the more esoteric native formspec language. 1/ Form Spec Coordinates System Formspecs do not use a pixel-based coordinate system, because differing client window sizes would need to have a corresponding matching set of corrdinates programmed in advance. Instead, formspecs rely on an inventory grid coordinate system. A coordinate, or size, of "1,1" would define the space of a single inventory grid square. Width and heights in this API therefore follow on from this notation -- a pair of width-height coordinates are denoted by a `wh` property; and a pair of (x,y) coordinates are denoted by a `xy` property. 2/ Form 2.a / Basic manipulation Create a new form using formspeccer:newform ( FORMNAME , SIZE , PREFS ) The form name should be a unique name for the form you want to register. PREFS is an optional table (see 2.b) For example: local formname = formspeccer:newform("spawnermod:spawnerform" , "10,7" ) The function returns the name of the form (in its current implementation), in this instance, "spawnermod:spawnerform". Future implementations may instead return an object representing the form instance. You cannot immediately call "newform" on an existing form name if that form is being managed by FormSpeccer. Instead, you would need to clear it first, before re-defining it: formspeccer:clear("spawnermod:spawnerform") formspeccer:newform("spawnermod:spawnerform" , "10,7" ) Any mod can clear any form by name. 2.b / Additional features In the PREFS argument you can provide a table with additional parameters to customize the form with. PREFS = { bgcolor = COLORNAME } COLORNAME can by a HTML-compatible hex string (for exampple "#ccff00"), or a colour name. Supported colour names are: red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, white, black, lightgrey, mediumgrey, darkgrey. PREFS = { background = { xy = OFFSET, WH = SIZE, texture = TEXTURENAME, auto_clip = BOOL_AUTOCLIP, } } A background image can be set instead of the default. It gets its image from all available textures. If AUTOCLIP_BOOL is set to true, the image will be limited to displaying within the confines of the form area, otherwise it will bleed outwards. Default is true. 3/ Formspec Elements * All elements should be defined with a `name`, `xy` and `wh` definition. * All elements except the label element expect a `name` definition. * Only the field element can be defined without `xy` or `wh`, but this is considered bad practice. The `xy` definition places the form element at the corresponding offset. Note that if you place an element at xy = "1,1", you will see it actually displayed slightly offset. The `wh` definition determines what width and heigh the field part of the form element will take. The `name` definition provides the field with a name, to be referenced during `receive_fiuelds` callbacks. The `label` definition provides the field with a displayed label. This definition is optional, but recommended. 3.a / Button formspeccer:add_button(formname, { xy = POSITION, wh = SIZE, name = ELEMENT_NAME, label = ELEMENT_LABEL, texture = IMAGE, }, BOOL_QUIT ) If BOOL_QUIT is set to true, then clicking the button closes the form. Default is false. If IMAGE specifies a valid texture file, that image is used on the button. Default is for there to be no image. 3.b / Field formspeccer:add_field(formname, { xy = POSITION, wh = SIZE, name = ELEMENT_NAME, label = ELEMENT_LABEL, }, BOOL_PASS ) If BOOL_PASS is set to true, then the input field will be obfuscated with asterisks. Default is false. 3.c / Label formspeccer:add_label(formname, { xy = POSITION, wh = SIZE, label = ELEMENT_LABEL, }, BOOL_VERTICAL ) If BOOL_VERTICAL is set to true, the etxt will be displayed with each letter under the other, in vertical-style writing. Default is false. 3.d / List formspeccer.add_choice_list(formname, { xy = POSITION, wh = SIZE, name = ELEMENT_NAME, label = ELEMENT_LABEL, choices = ARRAY_OF_CHOICES, }, BOOL_MULTI, BOOL_TRANSPARENT ) ARRAY_OF_CHOICES is an anonymous table of selectable items, for example, { "choice1", "choice 2", "another thing to choose" } If BOOL_MULTI is set to true, then the player can make multiple choices. Default is false. If BOOL_TRANSPARENT is set tot true, then the background is made transparent. Default is false. 3.e / Inventory formspeccer:add_label(formname, { xy = POSITION, wh = SIZE, name = ELEMENT_NAME, location = INVENTORY_LOCATION, start_index = IDX, }, ) INVENTORY_LOCATION is the name of the location or detatched inventory to use (needs elaboration). IDX is the index at which to start (needs elaboration) ============================================ Still to document: form.lua:formspeccer.to_string = function(self,formname) = function(self,player,formname) list.lua:formspeccer.add_inventory = function(self,form,def) textarea.lua:formspeccer.add_textarea = function(self,form,def) Stil to implement: listcolors * * a formspec preference container / container_end listring / listring_end tooltip image item_image_button tabheader box checkbox scrollbar table tableoptions tablecolumns inventorylocations * flesh out the definition * colostring colorspec * my custom colour lookup may be unnecessary *