import EventEmitter from 'events'; import Log from '../Log'; import ImapConnection, { ConnectionProperties } from './ImapConnection'; export const DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS = 6; export default class ImapController { readonly event: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); private address: string; private connected: boolean = false; private connections: ImapConnection[] = []; private awaitingIdle: ((conn: ImapConnection) => void)[] = []; constructor(connectionProps: ConnectionProperties, connectionCount: number = DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS) { this.address = connectionProps.user; for (let i = 0; i < connectionCount; i++) this.connections.push(new ImapConnection(connectionProps)); this.connections.forEach(conn => conn.event.on('idle', () => this.event.emit('idle', conn))); this.event.on('idle', (conn: ImapConnection) => { if (this.awaitingIdle.length <= 0) return; this.awaitingIdle[0](conn); this.awaitingIdle.splice(0, 1); }); } async connect() { await Promise.all( (conn, i) => { Log.perfStart(`Connection ${i + 1} for ${this.address}`); await conn.connect(); Log.perfEnd(`Connection ${i + 1} for ${this.address}`); })); this.connected = true; } async get(path?: string): Promise { if (!this.connected) throw new Error('Tried to access a box when the connections aren\'t connected.'); if (path === undefined) return this.connections[Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) % this.connections.length]; for (let conn of this.connections) { if (conn.getOpenBox() === path) { return conn; } } for (let conn of this.connections) { if (conn.getOpenBox() === null) { await conn.openBox(path); return conn; } } for (let conn of this.connections) { if (!conn.isIdle()) continue; await conn.openBox(path); return conn; } return new Promise((resolve) => this.awaitingIdle.push((conn: ImapConnection) => conn.openBox(path).then(() => resolve(conn)))); } }