This page shows all of the crawls that ArchiveBot is currently running.
To pause scrolling, move your mouse inside a log window.
To show just one job, click anywhere in the stats line. Use the j and k keys to switch between job windows.
Color coding for the job stats line: in progress, finished normally, finished with abort, finished with fatal exception.
To clear all finished jobs, reload the page.
Mouse over the job start date or the response count for additional information.
If your adblocker is enabled for this domain, you will see slower performance, and some URLs will not be displayed.
To use ArchiveBot, drop by #archivebot on EFNet. Issue commands by typing them into the channel. You will need channel operator (@) or voice (+) status to issue archiving jobs; just ask for help or leave a message with the website you want to archive.
These ignore sets are available for crawls. The global ignore set automatically applies to all crawls.
GitHub: ArchiveBot.