This page shows all of the crawls that are being reported to this server by your grab-site processes.
To pause scrolling, move your mouse inside a log window.
To show just one crawl, click anywhere on its stats line.
To clear all finished crawls, reload the page.
Keyboard shortcuts:
The color coding for the crawl stats line is: in progress, finished normally, finished with abort, finished with fatal exception.
Mouse over the crawl start date or the response count for additional information.
If your adblocker is enabled for this domain, you will see slower performance, and some URLs will not be displayed.
A custom context menu is shown when right-clicking URLs in the log windows below. It can be disabled by adding ?contextMenu=0 to the dashboard URL. Firefox users: if you see both the normal and custom context menu, make sure dom.event.contextmenu.enabled
is set to true
in about:config
For easier text selection in the log windows, add ?moreDom=1 to the dashboard URL. (This uses ~25% more memory.)