--- Number of allowed bookmarks. -- -- - min: 1 -- - max: 5 -- -- @setting pbmarks.max -- @settype int -- @default 5 pbmarks.max = tonumber(core.settings:get("pbmarks.max")) or 5 if pbmarks.max < 1 then pbmarks.log("warning", "bookmark count too low, setting to 1") pbmarks.max = 1 elseif pbmarks.max > 5 then pbmarks.log("warning", "bookmark count too hight, setting to 5") pbmarks.max = 5 end --- Don't allow bookmarks to be set in areas not accessible to player. -- -- @setting pbmarks.disallow_protected -- @settype bool -- @default true pbmarks.disallow_protected = core.settings:get_bool("pbmarks.disallow_protected", true)