------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- advanced spawning mod -- --@license WTFP --@copyright Sapier --@author Sapier --@date 2013-12-05 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#adv_spawning] seed_step -- @param self spawner entity -- @param dtime time since last call -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function adv_spawning.seed_step(self,dtime) if not self.activated then adv_spawning.seed_activate(self) return end self.mydtime = self.mydtime + dtime if (self.mydtime < 1/adv_spawning.max_spawning_frequency_hz) then return end --check if we did finish initialization of our spawner list by now if not adv_spawning.seed_scan_for_applyable_spawners(self) then return end if adv_spawning.quota_enter() then self.pending_spawners = {} adv_spawning.seed_countdown_spawners(self,self.mydtime) self.mydtime = 0 --check quota again adv_spawning.quota_leave() if not adv_spawning.quota_enter() then return end local per_step_count = 0 local key = nil while #self.pending_spawners > 0 and per_step_count < adv_spawning.max_spawns_per_spawner and (not adv_spawning.time_over(10)) do local rand_spawner = math.random(1,#self.pending_spawners) key = self.pending_spawners[rand_spawner] local tries = 1 if adv_spawning.spawner_definitions[key].spawns_per_interval ~= nil then tries = adv_spawning.spawner_definitions[key].spawns_per_interval end while tries > 0 do local successfull, permanent_error, reason = adv_spawning.handlespawner(key,self.object:getpos()) if successfull then self.spawning_data[key] = adv_spawning.spawner_definitions[key].spawn_interval self.spawn_fail_reasons[key] = "successfull spawned" else self.spawning_data[key] = adv_spawning.spawner_definitions[key].spawn_interval/4 self.spawn_fail_reasons[key] = reason end --check quota again if not adv_spawning.quota_leave() then adv_spawning.dbg_log(2, "spawner " .. key .. " did use way too much time") end if not adv_spawning.quota_enter() then return end tries = tries -1 end table.remove(self.pending_spawners,rand_spawner) per_step_count = per_step_count +1 end -- if (#self.pending_spawners > 0) then -- adv_spawning.dbg_log(3, "Handled " .. per_step_count .. " spawners, spawners left: " .. #self.pending_spawners) -- end if not adv_spawning.quota_leave() then adv_spawning.dbg_log(2, "spawner " .. key .. " did use way too much time") end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#adv_spawning] seed_activate -- @param self spawner entity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function adv_spawning.seed_activate(self) if adv_spawning.quota_enter() then if adv_spawning.seed_check_for_collision(self) then adv_spawning.quota_leave() return end if self.serialized_data ~= nil then self.spawning_data = minetest.deserialize(self.serialized_data) end if self.spawning_data == nil then self.spawning_data = {} end adv_spawning.seed_validate_spawndata(self) self.pending_spawners = {} self.spawn_fail_reasons = {} self.initialized_spawners = 0 self.activated = true -- fix unaligned own pos local pos = self.object:getpos() pos.x = math.floor(pos.x + 0.5) pos.y = math.floor(pos.y + 0.5) pos.z = math.floor(pos.z + 0.5) self.object:setpos(pos) if not adv_spawning.quota_leave() then adv_spawning.dbg_log(2, "on activate " .. self.name .. " did use way too much time") end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#adv_spawning] on_rightclick -- @param self spawner entity -- @param clicker (unused) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function adv_spawning.on_rightclick(self, clicker) if adv_spawning.debug then print("ADV_SPAWNING: time till next spawn: " .. self.mydtime) print("ADV_SPAWNING: pending spawners: " .. #self.pending_spawners) print("ADV_SPAWNING: Spawner may spawn " .. adv_spawning.table_count(self.spawning_data) .. " mobs:") local index = 1 for key,value in pairs(self.spawning_data) do local reason = "unknown" if self.spawn_fail_reasons[key] then reason = self.spawn_fail_reasons[key] end print(string.format("%3d:",index) .. string.format("%30s ",key) .. string.format("%3d s (", value) .. reason .. ")") index = index +1 end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#adv_spawning] seed_initialize -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function adv_spawning.seed_initialize() local spawner_texture = "adv_spawning_invisible.png^[makealpha:128,0,0^[makealpha:128,128,0" local spawner_collisionbox = { 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0} if adv_spawning.debug then spawner_texture = "adv_spawning_spawner.png" spawner_collisionbox = { -0.5,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5 } end minetest.register_entity("adv_spawning:spawn_seed", { collisionbox = spawner_collisionbox, visual = "sprite", textures = { spawner_texture }, physical = false, groups = { "immortal" }, on_activate = function(self,staticdata,dtime_s) self.activated = false self.mydtime = dtime_s self.serialized_data = staticdata self.object:set_armor_groups({ immortal=100 }) adv_spawning.seed_activate(self) end, on_step = adv_spawning.seed_step, get_staticdata = function(self) return minetest.serialize(self.spawning_data) end, on_rightclick = adv_spawning.on_rightclick } ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#adv_spawning] seed_validate_spawndata -- @param self spawner entity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function adv_spawning.seed_validate_spawndata(self) for key,value in pairs(self.spawning_data) do if adv_spawning.spawner_definitions[key] == nil then self.spawning_data[key] = nil end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#adv_spawning] seed_countdown_spawners -- @param self spawner entity -- @param dtime time to decrement spawners -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function adv_spawning.seed_countdown_spawners(self,dtime) for key,value in pairs(self.spawning_data) do self.spawning_data[key] = self.spawning_data[key] - dtime if self.spawning_data[key] < 0 then table.insert(self.pending_spawners,key) end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#adv_spawning] seed_check_for_collision -- @param self spawner entity -- @return true/false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function adv_spawning.seed_check_for_collision(self) assert(self ~= nil) local pos = self.object:getpos() local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.5) if objects == nil then return false end -- check if any of those found objects is a spawning seed for k,v in ipairs(objects) do local entity = v:get_luaentity() if entity ~= nil then if entity.name == "adv_spawning:spawn_seed" and entity.object ~= self.object then self.object:remove() return true end end end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#adv_spawning] seed_scan_for_applyable_spawners -- @param self spawner entity -- @return true/false -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function adv_spawning.seed_scan_for_applyable_spawners(self) if self.initialized_spawners >= adv_spawning.table_count(adv_spawning.spawner_definitions) then return true end local runindex = 0 local pos = self.object:getpos() for key,value in pairs(adv_spawning.spawner_definitions) do if not adv_spawning.quota_enter() then return false end local starttime = adv_spawning.gettime() local continue = false if runindex >= self.initialized_spawners then self.initialized_spawners = self.initialized_spawners + 1 else continue = true end runindex = runindex + 1 --check if cyclic spawning is enabled if not continue and value.cyclic_spawning ~= nil and value.cyclic_spawning == false then continue = true end --if spawner is far away from spawn area don't even try to spawn if not continue and value.absolute_height ~= nil then if value.absolute_height.min ~= nil and value.absolute_height.min > pos.y + (adv_spawning.spawner_distance/2) then continue = true end if value.absolute_height.max ~= nil and value.absolute_height.max < pos.y - (adv_spawning.spawner_distance/2) then continue = true end end starttime = adv_spawning.check_time(starttime, key .. " at spawn range check") --check for presence of environment if not continue then local radius = math.sqrt(adv_spawning.spawner_distance* adv_spawning.spawner_distance*2)/2 if minetest.find_node_near(pos,radius, value.spawn_inside) == nil then continue = false end end starttime = adv_spawning.check_time(starttime, key .. " at environment check") if not continue then self.spawning_data[key] = value.spawn_interval * math.random() else self.spawning_data[key] = nil end end return self.initialized_spawners == #adv_spawning.spawner_definitions end