--- Chat Commands -- -- @module commands.lua local S = core.get_translator(alternode.modname) --- Retrieves node meta value of a given key. -- -- @chatcmd getmeta -- @tparam number x X-coordinate of node. -- @tparam number y Y-coordinate of node. -- @tparam number z Z-coordinate of node. -- @tparam string key Key to be checked. core.register_chatcommand("getmeta", { params = S(" "), description = S("Retrieve meta data of a node"), privs = {server=true,}, func = function(player, param) local plist = string.split(param, " ") if #plist < 3 then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply proper coordinates")) return false end for _, p in ipairs({plist[1], plist[2], plist[3]}) do if tonumber(p) == nil then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply proper coordinates")) return false end end local pos = { x = tonumber(plist[1]), y = tonumber(plist[2]), z = tonumber(plist[3]), } local key = plist[4] if key then key = key:trim() end if not key or key == "" then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply a key parameter")) return false end local value = alternode.get(pos, key) if not value or value == "" then core.chat_send_player(player, S('"@1" key value not present in node meta data', key)) else core.chat_send_player(player, S("Meta value: @1@=@2", key, value)) end return true end, }) --- Sets node meta value of a given key. -- -- @chatcmd setmeta -- @tparam number x X-coordinate of node. -- @tparam number y Y-coordinate of node. -- @tparam number z Z-coordinate of node. -- @tparam string key Key to be set. -- @tparam string value Value to be set for `key`. core.register_chatcommand("setmeta", { params = S(" "), description = S("Set meta data of a node"), privs = {server=true,}, func = function(player, param) local plist = string.split(param, " ") if #plist < 3 then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply proper coordinates")) return false end for _, p in ipairs({plist[1], plist[2], plist[3]}) do if tonumber(p) == nil then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply proper coordinates")) return false end end local pos = { x = tonumber(plist[1]), y = tonumber(plist[2]), z = tonumber(plist[3]), } local key = plist[4] if key then key = key:trim() end if not key or key == "" then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply a key parameter")) return false end local value = {} for idx, word in ipairs(plist) do if idx > 4 then table.insert(value, word) end end if #value == 0 then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply a value parameter")) return false end local retval = alternode.set(pos, key, table.concat(value, " "):trim()) if not retval then core.chat_send_player(player, S("Failed to set node meta at @1,@2,@3", tostring(pos.x), tostring(pos.y), tostring(pos.z))) else core.chat_send_player(player, S('Set meta "@1@=@2" for node at @3,@4,@5', key, core.get_meta(pos):get_string(key), tostring(pos.x), tostring(pos.y), tostring(pos.z))) end return retval end, }) --- Unsets node meta value of a given key. -- -- @chatcmd unsetmeta -- @tparam number x X-coordinate of node. -- @tparam number y Y-coordinate of node. -- @tparam number z Z-coordinate of node. -- @tparam string key Key to be unset. core.register_chatcommand("unsetmeta", { params = S(" "), description = S("Unset meta data of a node"), privs = {server=true,}, func = function(player, param) local plist = string.split(param, " ") if #plist < 3 then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply proper coordinates")) return false end for _, p in ipairs({plist[1], plist[2], plist[3]}) do if tonumber(p) == nil then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply proper coordinates")) return false end end local pos = { x = tonumber(plist[1]), y = tonumber(plist[2]), z = tonumber(plist[3]), } local key = plist[4] if key then key = key:trim() end if not key or key == "" then core.chat_send_player(player, S("You must supply a key parameter")) return false end local retval = alternode.unset(pos, key) if not retval then core.chat_send_player(player, S("Failed to unset node meta at @1,@2,@3", tostring(pos.x), tostring(pos.y), tostring(pos.z))) else core.chat_send_player(player, S('Unset meta "@1" for node at @2,@3,@4', key, tostring(pos.x), tostring(pos.y), tostring(pos.z))) end return retval end, })