/* (c) Nicolaus Anderson */ #pragma once /* Enumeration for giving the location of a menu (for the Ultra GUI Menu). */ enum EUltraMenuLocation { // Left side menu EUGUIMLoc_Left=0, // Central window menu EUGUIMLoc_Center, // Right side menu EUGUIMLoc_Right, // Menu bar EUGUIMLoc_Bar, // Total available locations EUGUIMLoc_COUNT }; enum EUltraMenuState { // hidden completely EUGUIMState_Closed=0, // closing EUGUIMState_Closing, // open EUGUIMState_Open, // opening EUGUIMState_Opening, // becoming left-side menu EUGUIMState_ToLeft_Open, EUGUIMState_ToLeft_Closed, // becoming right-side menu EUGUIMState_ToRight_Open, EUGUIMState_ToRight_Closed, // becoming central window menu EUGUIMState_ToCenter_Open, EUGUIMState_ToCenter_Closed, // becoming bar menu icon EUGUIMState_ToBar, // Total number of states EUGUIMState_COUNT }; // What to do when told to close enum EUltraMenuClose { // Default - hide to the side EUGUIMClose_Hide=0, // Minimize EUGUIMClose_Minimize, // Number of options EUGUIMClose_COUNT };