adv_vehicles = {} global_nodenames_list = {} local i = 0 for node_name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do i = i+1 global_nodenames_list[i] = node_name end -- Rounds 'num' to the tenth and return the rounded number. local function round_num(num) local int, frac = math.modf(num) local to_str = tostring(num) local to_str_frac = tostring(frac) local dot_ind = string.find(to_str_frac, '.') local tenth_rank = string.sub(to_str_frac, dot_ind+2, dot_ind+2) local new_frac = string.gsub(to_str_frac, tenth_rank, "0") local new_frac_to_int = tonumber(new_frac) local new_frac2 = string.gsub(to_str, tenth_rank, tostring(tonumber(tenth_rank)+1)) local rounded_num = (new_frac_to_int < 0.05 and num-new_frac) or (new_frac_to_int >= 0.05 and tonumber(string.sub(new_frac2, 1, dot_ind+2))) return rounded_num end -- The method calculates new position for any car seat (for example, after a car turning) adv_vehicles.rotate_point_around_other_point = function (circle_centre_pos, rotating_point_pos, fixed_point_yaw, current_point_yaw) local turn_angle = current_point_yaw if fixed_point_yaw > current_point_yaw then turn_angle = fixed_point_yaw+current_point_yaw elseif fixed_point_yaw < current_point_yaw then turn_angle = -(fixed_point_yaw+current_point_yaw) end local new_pos = {x=rotating_point_pos.x, y=circle_centre_pos.y, z=rotating_point_pos.z} new_pos.x = circle_centre_pos.x + (rotating_point_pos.x-circle_centre_pos.x) * math.cos(turn_angle) - (rotating_point_pos.z-circle_centre_pos.z) * math.sin(turn_angle) new_pos.z = circle_centre_pos.z + (rotating_point_pos.z-circle_centre_pos.z) * math.cos(turn_angle) + (rotating_point_pos.x-circle_centre_pos.x) * math.sin(turn_angle) return new_pos end -- The method attaches a player to the car adv_vehicles.attach_player_to_car = function(player, car, seated, model, animation) if car.seats_list[seated].busy_by then minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "This seat is busy by" .. car.seats_list[seat_num].busy_by .. "!") return end car.seats_list[seated].busy_by = player:get_player_name() local car_rot = car.object:get_rotation() local fixed_car_yaw = car.fixed_car_rotate_angle local new_seat_pos = adv_vehicles.rotate_point_around_other_point({x=0, y=0, z=0}, car.seats_list[seated].pos, fixed_car_yaw, math.deg(car_rot.y)) new_seat_pos.y = 9 car.seats_list[seated].pos = new_seat_pos local meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("is_sit", minetest.serialize({car_name, seated})) local new_player_rot = {x=math.deg(car_rot.x), y=car_rot.y-180, z=math.deg(car_rot.z)} player:set_attach(car.object, "", new_seat_pos, new_player_rot) local eye_offset = player:get_eye_offset() player:set_eye_offset({x=-4.0, y=-3.0, z=3.0}, eye_offset) if model then player:set_properties({mesh=model}) end if animation then player:set_animation({x=animation.x, y=animation.y}) end end -- The method detaches a player from the car adv_vehicles.detach_player_from_car = function (player, car, seated, model, animation) if not car.seats_list[seated].busy_by then return end car.fixed_car_rotate_angle = math.deg(car.object:get_yaw()) local meta = player:get_meta() meta:set_string("is_sit", "") car.seats_list[seated].busy_by = nil player:set_detach() player:set_eye_offset({x=0, y=0, z=0}, {x=0, y=0, z=0}) if model then player:set_properties({mesh=model}) end if animation then player:set_animation({x=animation.x, y=animation.y}) end end adv_vehicles.pave_vector = function (car, vect_length, old_yaw) local yaw = car.object:get_yaw() local pos2 = {x=0, y=0, z=vect_length} local pos3 = adv_vehicles.rotate_point_around_other_point({x=0, y=0, z=0}, pos2, old_yaw, yaw) local vect ={x=0, y=0, z=0}) local vector_coords = vector.direction(vect, pos3) return vector_coords, yaw end adv_vehicles.rotate_collisionbox = function (car, yaw) if yaw % 90 ~= 0 then return end local car_cbox = car.object:get_properties().collisionbox local cur_cbox_dir = car.collisionbox_yaw.along_axis local axle_num local new_axle_num = 1 local axises_table = {"z", "x", "-z", "-x"} for num, axis in pairs(axises_table) do if axis == cur_cbox_dir then axle_num = num break end end local times = yaw / 90 for i = 1, math.abs(times)+1 do if times < 0 then if axises_table[1] == cur_cbox_dir then new_axle_num = axises_table[#axises_table] else new_axle_num = new_axle_num - 1 end else if axises_table[#axises_table] == cur_cbox_dir then new_axle_num = axises_table[1] else new_axle_num = new_axle_num + 1 end end end local new_cbox_dir = axises_table[new_axle_num] local cboxes = { ["z"] = {car_cbox[1], car_cbox[2], car_cbox[3], car_cbox[4], car_cbox[5], car_cbox[6]}, ["x"] = {car_cbox[3], car_cbox[2], car_cbox[1], car_cbox[6], car_cbox[5], car_cbox[4]}, ["-z"] = {car_cbox[1]*-1, car_cbox[2], car_cbox[3]*-1, car_cbox[4]*-1, car_cbox[5], car_cbox[6]*-1}, ["-x"] = {car_cbox[3]*-1, car_cbox[2], car_cbox[1]*-1, car_cbox[6]*-1, car_cbox[5], car_cbox[4]*-1} } local new_cbox = cboxes[new_cbox_dir] car.object:set_properties({collisionbox=new_cbox}) local old_cbox_yaw = car.collisionbox_yaw.val car.collisionbox_yaw = {val=old_cbox_yaw+yaw, along_axis=new_cbox_dir} end --[[while temp_degs ~= 0 do temp_degs = temp_degs - 90 if yaw < 0 then if axises_table[1] == cur_cbox_dir then axle = axises_table[#axises_table] else axle = else times = times + 1 end end for num, axis in pairs(axises_table) do local cboxes = { ["z"] = {car_cbox[1], car_cbox[2], car_cbox[3], car_cbox[4], car_cbox[5], car_cbox[6]}, ["x"] = {car_cbox[3], car_cbox[2], car_cbox[1], car_cbox[6], car_cbox[5], car_cbox[4]}, ["-z"] = {car_cbox[1]*-1, car_cbox[2], car_cbox[3]*-1, car_cbox[4]*-1, car_cbox[5], car_cbox[6]*-1}, ["-x"] = {car_cbox[3]*-1, car_cbox[2], car_cbox[1]*-1, car_cbox[6]*-1, car_cbox[5], car_cbox[4]*-1} } for num, axis in pairs(axises_table) do if axis == cbox_dir then for degs, cbox in pairs(cboxes) do if tostring(yaw) == degs then car.object:set_properties({collisionbox=cbox}) return true end end end]] --[[adv_cars.falldown_car = function (car) local name = car.entity_name local car_cbox_n_x = minetest.registered_entities[name].collisionbox[1] local car_cbox_n_y = minetest.registered_entities[name].collisionbox[2] local car_cbox_n_z = minetest.registered_entities[name].collisionbox[3] local car_cbox_p_x = minetest.registered_entities[name].collisionbox[4] local car_cbox_p_z = minetest.registered_entities[name].collisionbox[6] local car_pos = car.object:get_pos() local pos_cbox_n_x = car_pos.x - car_cbox_n_x local pos_cbox_n_z = car_pos.z - car_cbox_n_z local pos_cbox_p_x = car_pos.x - car_cbox_p_x local pos_cbox_p_z = car_pos.z - car_cbox_p_z local pos_cbox_n_y = car_pos.y - math.abs(car_cbox_n_y) local node1 = minetest.get_node({x=pos_cbox_n_x, y=pos_cbox_n_y-15, z=pos_cbox_n_z}) local node2 = minetest.get_node({x=pos_cbox_p_x, y=pos_cbox_n_y-15, z=pos_cbox_n_z}) local node3 = minetest.get_node({x=pos_cbox_n_x, y=pos_cbox_n_y-15, z=pos_cbox_p_z}) local node4 = minetest.get_node({x=pos_cbox_p_x, y=pos_cbox_n_y-15, z=pos_cbox_p_z}) local node1 = minetest.get_node(node1_pos) local node2 = minetest.get_node(node2_pos) local node3 = minetest.get_node(node3_pos) local node4 = minetest.get_node(node4_pos) local node1_name = local node_cboxes = minetest.registered_nodes[node_name].collisionbox.fixed or minetest.registered_nodes[node_name].node_box.fixed local max_cbox_top = 0 for _, node_cbox in ipairs(node_cboxes) do local node_cbox_top = node_pos.y+node_cbox.y if node_cbox_top > max_cbox_top then max_cbox_top = node_cbox_top end end local pos = car.object:get_pos() local acc = car.object:get_acceleration() if acc.y == 0 and not self.collide_y then car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=-0.1, z=acc.z}) self.y = pos.y elseif acc.y ~= 0 and pos.y ~= self.y then car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=acc.y*4, z=acc.z}) self.y = pos.y elseif acc.y ~= 0 and pos.y == self.y then self.collide_y = true car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=0, z=acc.z}) end if == "air" and pos.cbox_bottom > max_cbox_top then -- UNTESTED if acc.y == 0 then car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=-0.1, z=acc.z}) return true end car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=acc.y*4, z=acc.z}) else car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=0, z=acc.z}) end end]] local is_acc_set local is_oppos_acc_set local is_fallen -- Bounces a car only due to the falling. adv_vehicles.collide = function (car) local vel = car.object:get_velocity() local fixed_vel = car.car_vel local seats_list = car.seats_list local hp = car.object:get_hp() if vel.y == 0 and fixed_vel ~= 0 then if not is_fallen then is_fallen = true local acc = car.object:get_acceleration() car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=fixed_vel*-5, z=acc.z}) car.object:set_hp(hp-math.abs(math.ceil(fixed_vel)), {type="fall"}) for seated, data in pairs(seats_list) do if seated.busy_by then local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(seated.busy_by) local player_hp = player:get_hp() player:set_hp(player_hp-math.abs(math.ceil(fixed_vel)), {type="fall"}) end end end else is_fallen = nil end end adv_vehicles.car_handle = function (player, car, controls, yaw, max_vel) if controls.right then car.object:set_yaw(yaw-math.rad(1)) local new_yaw = math.deg(car.object:get_yaw()) local fixed_cbox_yaw = car.collisionbox_yaw.val if new_yaw-fixed_cbox_yaw <= -90 then minetest.debug("1") adv_vehicles.rotate_collisionbox(car, -90) end end if controls.left then car.object:set_yaw(yaw+math.rad(1)) local new_yaw = math.deg(car.object:get_yaw()) local fixed_cbox_yaw = car.collisionbox_yaw.val if new_yaw+fixed_cbox_yaw >= 90 then minetest.debug("2") adv_vehicles.rotate_collisionbox(car, 90) end end if not new_yaw then car.object:get_yaw() end local vector_coords, new_yaw = adv_vehicles.pave_vector(car, -1.2, yaw) local step_acc = vector.length(vector_coords) local acc = car.object:get_acceleration() local vel = car.object:get_velocity() if (math.abs(vel.x) or math.abs(vel.z)) >= max_vel then vector_coords.x = 0 vector_coords.z = 0 end if controls.up then car.object:set_acceleration({x=vector_coords.x/step_acc, y=acc.y, z=vector_coords.z/step_acc}) is_acc_set = true else local vel = car.object:get_velocity() if (vel.x and vel.z) ~= 0 then if is_acc_set then car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x*-1, y=acc.y, z=acc.z*-1}) is_acc_set = nil end if ((math.abs(vel.x) and math.abs(vel.z)) < 0.05) and ((vel.x and vel.z) > 0) then car.object:set_acceleration({x=0, y=acc.y, z=0}) car.object:set_velocity({x=0, y=vel.y, z=0}) end end end if controls.down then car.object:set_acceleration({x=(vector_coords.x/step_acc)*-1, y=acc.y, z=(vector_coords.z/step_acc)*-1}) is_oppos_acc_set = true else local vel = car.object:get_velocity() if (vel.x and vel.z) ~= 0 then if is_oppos_acc_set then car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=acc.y, z=acc.z}) is_oppos_acc_set = nil end if ((math.abs(vel.x) and math.abs(vel.z)) > 0.05) and ((vel.x and vel.z) < 0) then car.object:set_acceleration({x=0, y=acc.y, z=0}) car.object:set_velocity({x=0, y=vel.y, z=0}) end end end return new_yaw --[[minetest.register_globalstep(function (dtime) local entity = car.object:get_luaentity() local meta = minetest.deserialize(player:get_meta():get_string("is_sit")) if entity and meta ~= (nil and "") then local vel = entity.object:get_velocity() time = dtime + time minetest.debug(round_num(time)) if (vel.x and vel.y and vel.z) == 0 then car.object:set_velocity(vector_coords) car.object:set_acceleration({x=vector_coords.x / step_acc, y=0, z=vector_coords.z / step_acc}) local acc = car.object:get_acceleration() car.object:set_velocity({x=vector_coords.x+acc.x, y=vector_coords.y, z=vector_coords.z+acc.z}) elseif (vel.x and vel.y and vel.z) > 0 and round_num(time) >= 1.2 then minetest.debug("RRRRRRRRR") local acc = entity.object:get_acceleration() car.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x * step_decel, y=0, z=acc.z * step_decel}) local acc = car.object:get_acceleration() local vel2 = car.object:get_velocity() car.object:set_velocity({x=vel2.x-acc.x, y=vel2.y, z=vel2.z-acc.z}) step_decel = step_decel - 0.05 end end end)]] end --[[adv_cars.nearby_nodes_are = function (car) local vel = car.object:get_velocity() local pos = car.object:get_pos() local meta = minetest.deserialize(minetest.get_meta():get_string("is_sit")) local z_face = minetest.registered_entities[meta.car_name].collisionbox[6] if (vel.x and vel.y and vel.z) ~= 0 then local nearby_nodes = minetest.find_node_near(pos, z_face, global_nodenames_list)]] adv_vehicles.register_car = function (carname, car_properties) minetest.register_entity("adv_vehicles:"..carname, { visual = "mesh", physical = true, mass = car_properties.mass or 2000, max_vel = car_properties.max_vel or 120, collide_with_objects = true, collisionbox = car_properties.cbox, mesh = car_properties.model, textures = car_properties.textures, visual_size = car_properties.visual_size or {x=1, y=1, z=1}, use_texture_alpha = true, on_activate = function (self, staticdata, dtime_s) self.fixed_car_rotate_angle = 0 self.collisionbox_yaw = {val=0, along_axis="z"} self.entity_name = "adv_vehicles:"..carname self.seats_list = car_properties.seats self.car_vel = 0 local x_offset = car_properties.player_eye_offset.x local z_offset = car_properties.player_eye_offset.z for seated, data in pairs(self.seats_list) do self.seats_list[seated].pos = {x=x_offset, y=0, z=z_offset} x_offset = x_offset * -1 end local acc = self.object:get_acceleration() local gravity_strength = car_properties.mass * -100 self.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=gravity_strength, z=acc.z}) self.fixed_car_rotate_angle = self.object:get_yaw() minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) local entity = self.object:get_luaentity() if entity then local vel = self.object:get_velocity() if vel.y ~= 0 then self.car_vel = vel.y end local acc = self.object:get_acceleration() if acc.y > 0 then self.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=gravity_strength, z=acc.z}) end adv_vehicles.collide(self) end end) end, on_handle = adv_vehicles.car_handle, on_death = function (self, killer) for num, data in pairs(self.seats_list) do if self.seats_list[num].busy_by and minetest.get_player_by_name(self.seats_list[num].busy_by) then adv_vehicles.detach_player_from_car(killer, self, num, "character.b3d") end end end, on_attach_child = function (self, child) local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local meta = minetest.deserialize(child:get_meta():get_string("is_sit")) if meta.passenger then return end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) local entity = self.object:get_luaentity() if entity then if self.seats_list.driver.busy_by then local new_yaw = self.on_handle(child, entity, child:get_player_control(), yaw, car_properties.max_vel) yaw = new_yaw end end end) end, -- WRITE !!! on_rightclick = function (self, clicker) local seats_list = self.seats_list for seated, data in pairs(seats_list) do if data.busy_by == nil then if seated == "driver" then adv_vehicles.attach_player_to_car(clicker, self, seated, "driver.b3d") else adv_vehicles.attach_player_to_car(clicker, self, seated, nil, {x=81, y=81}) end break elseif data.busy_by == clicker:get_player_name() then if seated == "driver" then adv_vehicles.detach_player_from_car(clicker, self, seated, "character.b3d") else adv_vehicles.detach_player_from_car(clicker, self, seated, nil, {x=1, y=80}) end break end end end }) end local died_cars = {} --[[minetest.register_entity("adv_vehicles:simple_car", { visual = "mesh", physical = true, collide_with_objects = true, collisionbox = {-1.2, -0.5, -3.0, 1.2, 1.5, 3.0}, mesh = "simple_car.b3d", textures = {"simple_car.png"}, use_texture_alpha = true, on_activate = function (self, staticdata, dtime_s) local n_x_offset = -4.0 local n_z_offset = -4.0 self.fixed_car_rotate_angle = 0 self.collisionbox_yaw = {val=0, along_axis="z"} self.entity_name = "adv_cars:simple_car" self.seats_list = {["driver"]={busy_by=nil}, ["passenger"]={busy_by=nil}} -- Calculates initial positions for each car seat after spawning the car for seated, data in pairs(self.seats_list) do self.seats_list[seated].pos = {x=n_x_offset, y=0, z=n_z_offset} n_x_offset = n_x_offset * -1 end local acc = self.object:get_acceleration() self.object:set_acceleration({x=acc.x, y=-7.0, z=acc.z}) self.fixed_car_rotate_angle = self.object:get_yaw() --[[if not time then time = 0 end if not time_exp then time_exp = 0 end minetest.register_globalstep(function (dtime) local object = self.object:get_luaentity() if object then time = dtime + time minetest.debug(math.floor(time)) if math.floor(time) - time_exp == 1 then self.after_instant(object) time_exp = time_exp + 1 end end end) end, on_handle = adv_cars.car_handle, --[[on_step = function(self, dtime) if not time then time = 0 end minetest.debug(dtime) if math.floor(dtime) - time == 0.5 then minetest.debug("TRUE") adv_cars.falldown_car(self) time = time + 0.5 end end, on_death = function (self, killer) for num, data in pairs(self.seats_list) do if self.seats_list[num].busy_by and minetest.get_player_by_name(self.seats_list[num].busy_by) then adv_cars.detach_player_from_car(killer, self, num, "character.b3d") end end end, on_attach_child = function (self, child) local yaw = self.object:get_yaw() local meta = minetest.deserialize(child:get_meta():get_string("is_sit")) if meta.passenger then return end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) local entity = self.object:get_luaentity() if entity then if self.seats_list.driver.busy_by then local new_yaw = self.on_handle(child, entity, child:get_player_control(), yaw) yaw = new_yaw end end end) end, on_rightclick = function (self, clicker) local seats_list = self.seats_list for seated, data in pairs(seats_list) do if data.busy_by == nil then if seated == "driver" then adv_cars.attach_player_to_car(clicker, self, seated, "driver.b3d") else adv_cars.attach_player_to_car(clicker, self, seated, nil, {x=81, y=81}) end break elseif data.busy_by == clicker:get_player_name() then if seated == "driver" then adv_cars.detach_player_from_car(clicker, self, seated, "character.b3d") else adv_cars.detach_player_from_car(clicker, self, seated, nil, {x=1, y=80}) end break end end end }) --[[minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function (player) local meta = player:get_meta() local attach = player:get_attach() if attach then local parent = attach[1] local entity = parent:get_luaentity() if entity then local seat_num = meta:get_string("is_sit").seat_num entity.seats_list[seat_num] = nil adv_cars.attach_player_to_car(player, parent, seat_num, "driver.b3d") end end end)]] minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function (player) local meta = player:get_meta() if meta:get_string("is_sit") ~= (nil or "") then local attach = player:get_attach() local player_meta = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("is_sit")) local seated = player_meta.seated adv_vehicles.detach_player_from_car(player, attach[1], seated, "character.b3d") end end)