pathfinder = {} local openSet = {} local closedSet = {} local random = math.random local function get_distance(start_pos, end_pos) local distX = math.abs(start_pos.x - end_pos.x) local distZ = math.abs(start_pos.z - end_pos.z) if distX > distZ then return 14 * distZ + 10 * (distX - distZ) else return 14 * distX + 10 * (distZ - distX) end end local function get_distance_to_neighbor(start_pos, end_pos) local distX = math.abs(start_pos.x - end_pos.x) local distY = math.abs(start_pos.y - end_pos.y) local distZ = math.abs(start_pos.z - end_pos.z) if distX > distZ then return (14 * distZ + 10 * (distX - distZ)) * (distY + 1) else return (14 * distX + 10 * (distZ - distX)) * (distY + 1) end end local function walkable(node, pos, current_pos) if string.find(, "doors:door") then if (node.param2 == 0 or node.param2 == 2) and math.abs(pos.z - current_pos.z) > 0 and pos.x == current_pos.x then return true elseif (node.param2 == 1 or node.param2 == 3) and math.abs(pos.z - current_pos.z) > 0 and pos.x == current_pos.x then return false elseif (node.param2 == 0 or node.param2 == 2) and math.abs(pos.x - current_pos.x) > 0 and pos.z == current_pos.z then return false elseif (node.param2 == 1 or node.param2 == 3) and math.abs(pos.x - current_pos.x) > 0 and pos.z == current_pos.z then return true end elseif string.find(, "doors:hidden") then local node_door = minetest.get_node( {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}) if (node_door.param2 == 0 or node_door.param2 == 2) and math.abs(pos.z - current_pos.z) > 0 and pos.x == current_pos.x then return true elseif (node_door.param2 == 1 or node_door.param2 == 3) and math.abs(pos.z - current_pos.z) > 0 and pos.x == current_pos.x then return false elseif (node_door.param2 == 0 or node_door.param2 == 2) and math.abs(pos.x - current_pos.x) > 0 and pos.z == current_pos.z then return false elseif (node_door.param2 == 1 or node_door.param2 == 3) and math.abs(pos.x - current_pos.x) > 0 and pos.z == current_pos.z then return true end end if minetest.registered_nodes[] and minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable then return true else return false end end local function can_fit(pos, width) local pos1 = - width, pos.y, pos.z - width) local pos2 = + width, pos.y, pos.z + width) for x = pos1.x, pos2.x do for y = pos1.y, pos2.y do for z = pos1.z, pos2.z do local p2 =, y, z) local node = minetest.get_node(p2) if minetest.registered_nodes[] and minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable then local p3 =, p2.y + 1, p2.z) local node2 = minetest.get_node(p3) if minetest.registered_nodes[] and minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable then return false end end end end end return true end local function move_from_wall(pos, width) local pos1 = - width, pos.y, pos.z - width) local pos2 = + width, pos.y, pos.z + width) for x = pos1.x, pos2.x do for y = pos1.y, pos2.y do for z = pos1.z, pos2.z do local p2 =, y, z) if can_fit(p2, width) then return p2 end end end end return pos end local function get_neighbor_ground_level(pos, jump_height, fall_height, current_pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local height = 0 if walkable(node, pos, current_pos) then repeat height = height + 1 if height > jump_height then return nil end pos.y = pos.y + 1 node = minetest.get_node(pos) until not walkable(node, pos, current_pos) return pos else repeat height = height + 1 if height > fall_height then return nil end pos.y = pos.y - 1 node = minetest.get_node(pos) until walkable(node, pos, current_pos) return {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z} end end -- local function dot(a, b) -- return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z -- end -- -- local function len(a) -- return math.sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z) -- end -- -- local function lensq(a) -- return a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z -- end -- -- local function normalize(a) -- local l = len(a) -- a.x = a.x / l -- a.y = a.y / l -- a.z = a.z / l -- return a -- end function pathfinder.find_path(self, pos, endpos, max_length, dtime) -- if dtime > 0.1 then -- return -- end -- round positions if not done by former functions pos = { x = math.floor(pos.x + 0.5), y = math.floor(pos.y + 0.5), z = math.floor(pos.z + 0.5) } endpos = { x = math.floor(endpos.x + 0.5), y = math.floor(endpos.y + 0.5), z = math.floor(endpos.z + 0.5) } local target_node = minetest.get_node(endpos) if walkable(target_node, endpos, endpos) then endpos.y = endpos.y + 1 end local start_node = minetest.get_node(pos) if string.find(, "doors:door") then if start_node.param2 == 0 then pos.z = pos.z + 1 elseif start_node.param2 == 1 then pos.x = pos.x + 1 elseif start_node.param2 == 2 then pos.z = pos.z - 1 elseif start_node.param2 == 3 then pos.x = pos.x - 1 end end local start_time = minetest.get_us_time() local start_index = minetest.hash_node_position(pos) local target_index = minetest.hash_node_position(endpos) local count = 1 openSet = {} closedSet = {} -- minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "default:glass"}) -- minetest.set_node(endpos, {name = "default:glass"}) -- print(dump(pos)) -- print(endpos) local h_start = get_distance(pos, endpos) openSet[start_index] = { hCost = h_start, gCost = 0, fCost = h_start, parent = nil, pos = pos } -- self values local self_height = math.ceil(self.collisionbox[5] - self.collisionbox[2]) or 2 local self_width = math.ceil(self.collisionbox[4]) or 1 local self_fear_height = self.max_fall or 3 local self_jump_height = self.jump_height or 1 local neighbors_cache = {} repeat local current_index local current_values -- Get one index as reference from openSet for i, v in pairs(openSet) do current_index = i current_values = v break end -- Search for lowest fCost for i, v in pairs(openSet) do if v.fCost < openSet[current_index].fCost or v.fCost == current_values.fCost and v.hCost < current_values.hCost then current_index = i current_values = v end end openSet[current_index] = nil closedSet[current_index] = current_values count = count - 1 if current_index == target_index then -- ~ minetest.chat_send_all("Found path in " .. (minetest.get_us_time() - start_time) / 1000 .. "ms") local path = {} repeat if not closedSet[current_index] then return end table.insert(path, closedSet[current_index].pos) current_index = closedSet[current_index].parent until start_index == current_index table.insert(path, closedSet[current_index].pos) local reverse_path = {} repeat table.insert(reverse_path, table.remove(path)) until #path == 0 -- minetest.chat_send_all("Found path in " .. (minetest.get_us_time() - start_time) / 1000 .. "ms. " .. "Path length: " .. #reverse_path) return reverse_path end local current_pos = current_values.pos local neighbors = {} local neighbors_index = 1 for z = -1, 1 do for x = -1, 1 do local neighbor_pos = { x = current_pos.x + x, y = current_pos.y, z = current_pos.z + z } local neighbor = minetest.get_node(neighbor_pos) local neighbor_ground_level = get_neighbor_ground_level(neighbor_pos, self_jump_height, self_fear_height, current_pos) local neighbor_clearance = false local above_neighbor_pos = { x = neighbor_pos.x, y = neighbor_pos.y + 1, z = neighbor_pos.z } local above_neighbor = minetest.get_node(above_neighbor_pos) if neighbor_ground_level and can_fit(current_pos, self_width) then local neighbor_hash = minetest.hash_node_position(neighbor_ground_level) local pos_above_head = { x = current_pos.x, y = current_pos.y + self_height, z = current_pos.z } local node_above_head = minetest.get_node(pos_above_head) if neighbor_ground_level.y - current_pos.y > 0 and not walkable(node_above_head, pos_above_head, current_pos) then local height = -1 repeat height = height + 1 local pos = { x = neighbor_ground_level.x, y = neighbor_ground_level.y + height, z = neighbor_ground_level.z } local node = minetest.get_node(pos) until walkable(node, pos, current_pos) or height > self_height if height >= self_height then neighbor_clearance = true end elseif neighbor_ground_level.y - current_pos.y > 0 and walkable(node_above_head, pos_above_head, current_pos) then neighbors[neighbors_index] = {hash = nil, pos = nil, clear = nil, walkable = nil} else local height = -1 repeat height = height + 1 local pos = { x = neighbor_ground_level.x, y = current_pos.y + height, z = neighbor_ground_level.z } local node = minetest.get_node(pos) until walkable(node, pos, current_pos) or height > self_height if height >= self_height then neighbor_clearance = true end end neighbors[neighbors_index] = { hash = minetest.hash_node_position( neighbor_ground_level), pos = neighbor_ground_level, clear = neighbor_clearance, walkable = walkable(neighbor, neighbor_pos, current_pos) } else neighbors[neighbors_index] = {hash = nil, pos = nil, clear = nil, walkable = nil} end neighbors_index = neighbors_index + 1 end end for id, neighbor in pairs(neighbors) do -- don't cut corners local cut_corner = false if id == 1 then if not neighbors[id + 1].clear or not neighbors[id + 3].clear or neighbors[id + 1].walkable or neighbors[id + 3].walkable then cut_corner = true end elseif id == 3 then if not neighbors[id - 1].clear or not neighbors[id + 3].clear or neighbors[id - 1].walkable or neighbors[id + 3].walkable then cut_corner = true end elseif id == 7 then if not neighbors[id + 1].clear or not neighbors[id - 3].clear or neighbors[id + 1].walkable or neighbors[id - 3].walkable then cut_corner = true end elseif id == 9 then if not neighbors[id - 1].clear or not neighbors[id - 3].clear or neighbors[id - 1].walkable or neighbors[id - 3].walkable then cut_corner = true end end if neighbor.hash ~= current_index and not closedSet[neighbor.hash] and neighbor.clear and not cut_corner then local move_cost_to_neighbor = current_values.gCost + get_distance_to_neighbor(current_values.pos, neighbor.pos) local gCost = 0 if openSet[neighbor.hash] then gCost = openSet[neighbor.hash].gCost end if move_cost_to_neighbor < gCost or not openSet[neighbor.hash] then if not openSet[neighbor.hash] then count = count + 1 end local hCost = get_distance(neighbor.pos, endpos) openSet[neighbor.hash] = { gCost = move_cost_to_neighbor, hCost = hCost, fCost = move_cost_to_neighbor + hCost, parent = current_index, pos = neighbor.pos } end end end if count > max_length then -- minetest.chat_send_all("Path fail") return end if (minetest.get_us_time() - start_time) / 1000 > 100 - dtime * 50 then -- minetest.chat_send_all("Path timeout") return end until count < 1 -- minetest.chat_send_all("count < 1") return {pos} end