vexcazer_schematic = {user={}} minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) vexcazer_schematic.user[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) vexcazer_schematic.a=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input,typ) if not vexcazer_schematic.user[input.user_name] then vexcazer_schematic.user[input.user_name] = {} end local u = vexcazer_schematic.user[input.user_name] local pos local jump = user:get_player_control().jump if not jump then if typ == "change" then pos = pointed_thing.under u.p = u.p == 1 and 2 or 1 return itemstack elseif typ == "node" then u.p = u.p or 1 pos = pointed_thing.under u["pos"..u.p] = pos else u.p = u.p or 1 local up = user:get_pos() up.y = up.y +0.5 pos = vector.round(up) u["pos"..u.p] = pos end local o = minetest.add_entity(pos, "vexcazer_schematic:pos") o:get_luaentity().user = input.user_name o:get_luaentity().num = u.p if u.p == 1 then u.ob1 = math.random(1,9999) else u.ob2 = math.random(1,9999) end if u.pos1 and u.pos2 then local x = math.abs(u.pos1.x-u.pos2.x) + 1 local y = math.abs(u.pos1.y-u.pos2.y) + 1 local z = math.abs(u.pos1.z-u.pos2.z) + 1 local m = minetest.add_entity({x=u.pos1.x+(u.pos2.x-u.pos1.x)/2,y=u.pos1.y+(u.pos2.y-u.pos1.y)/2,z=u.pos1.z+(u.pos2.z-u.pos1.z)/2}, "vexcazer_schematic:mark") m:set_properties({visual_size = {x=x, y=y, z=z}}) m:get_luaentity().user = input.user_name m:get_luaentity().num1 = u.ob1 m:get_luaentity().num2 = u.ob2 minetest.chat_send_player(input.user_name,"Size: "..x.." "..y.." "..z) end elseif jump and u.pos1 and u.pos2 then vexcazer_schematic.b(user) end end vexcazer_schematic.b=function(user,text,replace,saved) text = text or vexcazer_schematic.user[user:get_player_name()].name or "" local gui="" .. "size[4.5,2]" .. "background[0,0;4.5,2;vexcazer_background.png]".. "field[0.2,0.2;4.7,1;text;;" .. text .."]" .. "button_exit[0,1;1.5,1;exit;Quit]" .. "button[1.5,1;1.5,1;save;Save]" .. (replace and "button[3,1;1.5,1;replace;Replace]" or "") .. "label[0,0.6;"..(saved or "").."]" minetest.after(0.1, function(user,gui) return minetest.show_formspec(user:get_player_name(), "vexcazer_schematic",gui) end, user, gui) end,text,msg) local n = user:get_player_name() vexcazer_schematic.user[n] = vexcazer_schematic.user[n] or {path="",pname=""} local u = vexcazer_schematic.user[n] text = text or n.placetext or "" local gui="" .. "size[4.5,2]" .. "background[0,0;4.5,2;vexcazer_background.png]".. "field[0.2,0.2;4.7,1;text;;" .. (u.pname or text or "") .."]" .. "button_exit[0,1;1.5,1;go;Update]" .. "checkbox[2,1;world;;"..( or "false").."]" .. "checkbox[1.7,1;addsch;;"..(u.sch or "true").."]" .. "field[2.9,1.3;2,1;mod;;" .. (u.mod or "") .."]" .. "tooltip[world;World path]" .. "tooltip[mod;Mod path]" .. "tooltip[addsch;Add ''/schematics'']" .. "label[0,0.6;"..(msg or "").."]" .. (u.path and "tooltip[text;"..u.path.."]" or "tooltip[text;Path and filename (folder/fodler2/filename)]") minetest.after(0.1, function(user,gui) return minetest.show_formspec(user:get_player_name(), "vexcazer_schematic_place",gui) end, user, gui) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, form, pressed) if form=="vexcazer_schematic" then local n = player:get_player_name() if pressed.exit then vexcazer_schematic.user[n] = nil end local u = vexcazer_schematic.user[n] if not u or not pressed.text or pressed.text == "" or pressed.quit and not (pressed.replace or then return end if string.find(pressed.text," ") then vexcazer_schematic.b(player,string.gsub(pressed.text," ",""),true) return end vexcazer_schematic.user[n].name = pressed.text local f = minetest.get_worldpath().."/schematics/"..pressed.text..".mts" if then local, "r") if o then o:close() vexcazer_schematic.b(player,pressed.text,true) return end end minetest.mkdir(minetest.get_worldpath().."/schematics") minetest.create_schematic(u.pos1,u.pos2,nil,f) vexcazer_schematic.b(player,pressed.text,nil,".../schematics/"..pressed.text..".mts") elseif form=="vexcazer_schematic_place" then local n = player:get_player_name() local u = vexcazer_schematic.user[n] if not u or not pressed.text then return end vexcazer_schematic.user[n].sch = pressed.addsch ~= nil and pressed.addsch or vexcazer_schematic.user[n].sch or "true" local adds = vexcazer_schematic.user[n].sch == "true" and "/schematics" or "" if then vexcazer_schematic.user[n].world = u.path = minetest.get_worldpath()..adds.."/"..pressed.text..".mts" u.mod = nil u.pname = pressed.text,pressed.text) elseif pressed.mod and pressed.mod ~= "" then local m = minetest.get_modpath(pressed.mod) = nil u.pname = pressed.text if m then u.path = m .. adds.."/" .. pressed.text .. ".mts" end local m2 = m and "" or (pressed.mod.." not found") vexcazer_schematic.user[n].mod = pressed.mod,pressed.text,m2) end if and u.path ~= nil then local, "r") if o then o:close() else,nil,"schematic not found") end else,nil,"(can't check files outside world folder, just try to place)") end end end) vexcazer.registry_mode({ wear_on_use=1, wear_on_place=1, name="Create schematic", info="USE to set pos\nPLACE to change pos1/pos2\nUSE somewhere else to switch pos in air\nUSE and JUMP to create schematic", disallow_damage_on_use=true, hide_mode_default=true, hide_mode_mod=true, on_place=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if not then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user_name," schematic only able with admin world for safety") else vexcazer_schematic.a(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input,"change") end end, on_use=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if not then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user_name," schematic only able with admin world for safety") elseif pointed_thing.type == "node" then vexcazer_schematic.a(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input,"node") else vexcazer_schematic.a(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input,"air") end end }) vexcazer.registry_mode({ wear_on_use=1, wear_on_place=1, name="Place schematic", info="USE to on a node to place above\nPLACE to place under\nUSE somewhere else to place on your position\nUSE and JUMP to open the form", disallow_damage_on_use=true, hide_mode_default=true, hide_mode_mod=true, on_place=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) local n = user:get_player_name() local u = vexcazer_schematic.user[n] if not then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user_name," schematic only able with admin world for safety") elseif not u or not u.path or u.path == "" then else minetest.place_schematic(pointed_thing.above, u.path,"random",nil,false,"place_center_x,place_center_z") end end, on_use=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) local n = user:get_player_name() local u = vexcazer_schematic.user[n] if not then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user_name," schematic only able with admin world for safety") elseif not u or not u.path or u.path == "" or user:get_player_control().jump then else if pointed_thing.type == "node" then minetest.place_schematic(pointed_thing.under, u.path,"random",nil,false,"place_center_x,place_center_z") else minetest.place_schematic(vector.round(user:get_pos()), u.path,"random",nil,false,"place_center_x,place_center_z") end end end }) minetest.register_entity("vexcazer_schematic:pos",{ hp_max = 1, physical = false, pointable = false, collisionbox = {-0.52,-0.52,-0.52, 0.52,0.52,0.52}, visual_size = {x=1.05, y=1.05}, visual = "cube", textures = {"vexcazer_schematic_pos1.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos1.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos1.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos1.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos1.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos1.png"}, is_visible = true, t2 = {"vexcazer_schematic_pos2.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos2.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos2.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos2.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos2.png","vexcazer_schematic_pos2.png"}, on_step = function(self, dtime) self.timer = self.timer + dtime if self.timer > 0.1 and self.user then self.timer = 0 local u = vexcazer_schematic.user[self.user] if not u then self.user = nil return elseif self.num == 2 and not self.rndn then self.object:set_properties({textures = self.t2}) end self.rndn = self.rndn or u["ob"..self.num] if u["ob"..self.num] ~= self.rndn then self.user = nil end elseif not self.user then self.object:remove() return self end end, timer=0.09 }) minetest.register_entity("vexcazer_schematic:mark",{ hp_max = 1, physical = false, pointable = false, collisionbox = {-0.52,-0.52,-0.52, 0.52,0.52,0.52}, visual_size = {x=1.05, y=1.05}, visual = "cube", textures = {"vexcazer_schematic_mark.png","vexcazer_schematic_mark.png","vexcazer_schematic_mark.png","vexcazer_schematic_mark.png","vexcazer_schematic_mark.png","vexcazer_schematic_mark.png","vexcazer_schematic_mark.png"}, is_visible = true, on_step = function(self, dtime) self.timer = self.timer + dtime if self.timer > 0.1 and self.user then self.timer = 0 local u = vexcazer_schematic.user[self.user] if not u or self.num1 ~= u.ob1 or self.num2 ~= u.ob2 then self.user = nil end elseif not self.user then self.object:remove() return self end end, timer=0.09 })