vexcazer.bot_use=function(itemstack, user, pos,dir,input) local plus=1 local minus=-1 local param=0 dir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir) if dir==1 then param=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}).param2 end if dir==3 then param=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}).param2 end if dir==0 then param=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1}).param2 end if dir==2 then param=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1}).param2 end local node={name=input.lazer,param2=param} local p=pos minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_lazer", {pos=p, gain=1.0, max_hear_distance=5}) for i=1,input.max_amount,1 do vexcazer.lazer_damage(p,input) if{pos=p,node=node},input)==true then if dir==1 then p.x=p.x+plus end if dir==3 then p.x=p.x+minus end if dir==0 then p.z=p.z+plus end if dir==2 then p.z=p.z+minus end else return false end end return itemstack end vexcazer.registry_mode({ wear_on_use=1, wear_on_place=3, name="PlaceDig xz", info="Both using the stack and count on left\n\nUSE with blocks = place blocks\nUSE with blocks on a wall = place blocks backwards\nUSE without blocks = shoot lazer\nPLACE blocks or items = dig\nUSE with blocks, and a block\nis backside the pointed = use same rotation", info_admin="\nAdmin/mod info, works in other modes\nPLACE when the left stack is empty = lazerwave", info_mod="\nAdmin/mod info, works in other modes\nPLACE when the left stack is empty = lazerwave", on_place=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if pointed_thing.type~="node" then return itemstack end local pos=pointed_thing.under local dir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(user:get_look_dir()) local count=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", input.index-1):get_count() if count==0 then return false end minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_dig", {pos = user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5,}) for i=1,input.max_amount,1 do if count>0 then if vexcazer.dig(pos,input)==false then return itemstack end count=count-1 else return itemstack end if dir==1 then pos.x=pos.x+1 end if dir==3 then pos.x=pos.x-1 end if dir==0 then pos.z=pos.z+1 end if dir==2 then pos.z=pos.z-1 end end return itemstack end, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if pointed_thing.type~="node" then return itemstack end local pos=pointed_thing.above local plus=1 local minus=-1 local dir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(user:get_look_dir()) local n=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under).name] if n and n.buildable_to then pos=pointed_thing.under end if pointed_thing.above.y==pointed_thing.under.y then plus=-1 minus=1 end local param=0 local lazer=false if dir==1 then param=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x-1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}).param2 end if dir==3 then param=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}).param2 end if dir==0 then param=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z-1}).param2 end if dir==2 then param=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+1}).param2 end local name=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", input.index-1):get_name() local count=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", input.index-1):get_count() local node={name=name,param2=param} local lazercount=0 if minetest.registered_nodes[name]==nil then count=input.max_amount lazer=true minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_lazer", {pos =user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5,}) else minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_place", {pos =user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5,}) end for i=1,input.max_amount,1 do if lazer then vexcazer.lazer_damage(pos,input) end if count<=0 then return false end if{pos=pos,node=node},input)==true then count=count-1 if dir==1 then pos.x=pos.x+plus end if dir==3 then pos.x=pos.x+minus end if dir==0 then pos.z=pos.z+plus end if dir==2 then pos.z=pos.z+minus end else if lazer then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user:get_player_name()," " ..lazercount) end return false end lazercount=lazercount+1 end if lazer then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user:get_player_name()," " ..lazercount) end return itemstack end }) vexcazer.registry_mode({ name="Undo", info="USE to Undo the last change", disallow_damage_on_use=true, hide_mode_default=true, hide_mode_mod=true, on_button=function(user,input) if vexcazer.undo[input.user_name] then for pos,n in pairs(vexcazer.undo[input.user_name]) do if not minetest.is_protected(pos,input.user_name) then minetest.set_node(minetest.string_to_pos(pos),{name=n}) end end end vexcazer.undo[input.user_name] = nil end }) local replace=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if pointed_thing.type~="node" then return itemstack end local pos=pointed_thing.under local stack=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", input.index-1):get_name() local stack_count=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main",input.index-1):get_count() local replace=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", input.index+1):get_name() local replace_count=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", input.index+1):get_count() local dir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(user:get_look_dir()) local lazer=false local invert=false if minetest.registered_nodes[stack]==nil then stack="air" stack_count=input.max_amount end if minetest.registered_nodes[replace]==nil then replace=input.lazer replace_count=input.max_amount lazer=true minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_lazer", {pos = user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5,}) end if input.on_place then invert=true if lazer==false then minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_dig", {pos = user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance =5,}) end else if lazer==false then minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_place", {pos = user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance =5,}) end end if ((replace_countpointed_thing.above.y then plus=-1 end for i=1,input.max_amount,1 do if stack_count<=0 then return false end if lazer then vexcazer.lazer_damage(pos,input) end if{pos=pos,node={name=stack}},input)==true then stack_count=stack_count-1 pos.y=pos.y+plus else if lazer then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user:get_player_name()," " ..lazercount) end return false end lazercount=lazercount+1 end if lazer then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user:get_player_name()," " ..lazercount) end return true end }) vexcazer.registry_mode({ wear_on_use=1, name="Autoswith", info="USE using all stacks and counts on\nthe hotbar until it hits a tool: from left to right", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if pointed_thing.type~="node" then return itemstack end local pos=pointed_thing.above local max_amount=input.max_amount local dir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(user:get_look_dir()) local plus=1 local minus=-1 minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_place", {pos = user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance =5,}) if vexcazer.def(pointed_thing.under,"walkable")==false and minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under).name~="air" then pos=pointed_thing.under end if pointed_thing.under.y==pointed_thing.above.y then plus=-1 minus=1 end for i=1,8,1 do if max_amount<=0 then return false end local stack=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", i):get_name() local stack_count=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main",i):get_count() if stack=="" and i>1 then stack=input.lazer stack_count=1 elseif (i==1 and stack=="") or (stack~="" and minetest.registered_nodes[stack]==nil) then return false end for i=1,stack_count,1 do if max_amount<=0 then return false end if{pos=pos,node={name=stack}},input)==true then if dir==1 then pos.x=pos.x+plus end if dir==3 then pos.x=pos.x+minus end if dir==0 then pos.z=pos.z+plus end if dir==2 then pos.z=pos.z+minus end else max_amount=0 stack_count=0 end max_amount=max_amount-1 end end return true end }) vexcazer.placedigxyz=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input,typ) local pos2=vexcazer.load(input,"PlaceDigxyz") if not pos2 then minetest.chat_send_player(input.user:get_player_name()," you have to place first (set a start position)") return itemstack end local pos1 if pointed_thing.type=="node" then pos1=pointed_thing.above else pos1=user:get_pos() end local d=math.floor(vector.distance(pos1,pos2)+0.5) minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(),d) if d>input.max_amount*3 then minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name()," too far, max " .. (input.max_amount*3)) return itemstack end local inv=user:get_inventory() local stack=inv:get_stack("main", input.index-1):get_name() local count=inv:get_stack("main", input.index-1):get_count() local dis=inv:get_stack("main", input.index+1):get_count() if count==0 or (typ==1 and (not minetest.registered_nodes[stack] or (not input.admin and not inv:contains_item("main", stack)))) then return end if typ==1 then minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_place", {pos = user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance =5,}) else minetest.sound_play("diplazer_dig", {pos = user:get_pos(), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5,}) end local v = {x = pos1.x - pos2.x, y = pos1.y - pos2.y-1, z = pos1.z - pos2.z} local amount = (v.x ^ 2 + v.y ^ 2 + v.z ^ 2) ^ 0.5 local d=math.sqrt((pos1.x-pos2.x)*(pos1.x-pos2.x) + (pos1.y-pos2.y)*(pos1.y-pos2.y)+(pos1.z-pos2.z)*(pos1.z-pos2.z)) v.x = (v.x / amount)*-1 v.y = (v.y / amount)*-1 v.z = (v.z / amount)*-1 for i=0,d,1+dis do local posn={x=pos1.x+(v.x*i),y=pos1.y+(v.y*i),z=pos1.z+(v.z*i)} if typ==1 then{pos=posn,node={name=stack}},input) elseif typ==2 then vexcazer.dig(posn,input) end end end vexcazer.registry_mode({ wear_on_use=1, name="Place xyz", wear_on_use=10, wear_on_place=0, info="USE using all stacks and counts on\nthe hotbar until it hits a tool: from left to right", on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if pointed_thing.type=="node" then,"PlaceDigxyz",pointed_thing.above,false) return itemstack end end, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) vexcazer.placedigxyz(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input,1) end, }) vexcazer.registry_mode({ wear_on_use=1, name="Dig xyz", wear_on_use=10, wear_on_place=0, info="PLACE to set position\nUSE to dig line withing the distance\nSTACK to left: nodes to place\nSTACK to right, distance bewteen nodes to place", on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if pointed_thing.type=="node" then,"PlaceDigxyz",pointed_thing.above,false) return itemstack end end, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) vexcazer.placedigxyz(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input,2) end, }) vexcazer.dp3x3=function(user,pos,input,typ) local dir=user:get_look_dir() local fd=minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir) local stack=user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", input.index-1):get_name() if typ==1 and stack=="" then typ=0 end if typ==1 then minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_place", {pos =pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5}) elseif typ==2 then minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_dig", {pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5,}) else minetest.sound_play("vexcazer_lazer", {pos = pos, gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 5,}) end local x,z,p=0,0,nil if fd==0 or fd==2 then x=1 y=1 else z=1 y=1 end for a=-1,1,1 do for b=-1,1,1 do if math.abs(dir.y)<0.5 then p={x=pos.x+(x*a),y=pos.y+b,z=pos.z+(z*a)} else p={x=pos.x+a,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+b} end if typ==0 then if vexcazer.def(p,"buildable_to") and not minetest.is_protected(p,input.user_name) then minetest.add_node(p,{name=input.lazer}) vexcazer.lazer_damage(p,input) end elseif (typ==1 and{pos=p,node={name=stack}},input)==false) or (typ==2 and vexcazer.dig(p,input)==false) then return false end end end end vexcazer.registry_mode({ wear_on_use=1, name="PlaceDig 3x3", wear_on_use=1, wear_on_place=1, disallow_damage_on_use=true, info="USE to place\nPlace to dig", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if pointed_thing.type~="node" then return false end vexcazer.dp3x3(user,pointed_thing.above,input,1) return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing,input) if pointed_thing.type~="node" then return false end vexcazer.dp3x3(user,pointed_thing.under,input,2) return itemstack end })