extends Node # This scene is added to the autoload project properties, so this will be reachable from the whole project var current_scene_name = "world1" var save = { "points":0, } func add_points(a = 1): save.points += a get_node("Label").text = str(save.points) func _enter_tree(): load_data() get_node("Label").text = str(save.points) # saves everyhing in the "save" variable func save_data(): var file = File.new() file.open("user://save",file.WRITE_READ) file.store_var(save) file.close() # and load func load_data(): var file = File.new() if not file.file_exists("user://save"): return false file.open("user://save",file.READ) save = file.get_var() file.close() return true