aliveai.is_invisiable=function(ob) if ob:is_player() and minetest.check_player_privs(ob:get_player_name(), {aliveai_invisibility=true}) and ob:get_player_control().sneak then return true end return false end aliveai.newpos=function(pos,a) if not pos then return elseif pos.object then pos=pos.object:get_pos() elseif pos:get_pos() then pos=pos:get_pos() end if a and type(a)~="table" then return pos elseif a then return {x=pos.x+(a.x or 0),y=pos.y+(a.y or 0),z=pos.z+(a.z or 0)} end return { x=pos.x, z=pos.z, y=pos.y, xx=function(p,n) return {x=p.x+(n or 0),y=p.y,z=p.z} end, yy=function(p,n) return {x=p.x,y=p.y+(n or 0),z=p.z} end, zz=function(p,n) return {x=p.x,y=p.y,z=p.z+(n or 0)} end, } end minetest.register_on_item_eat=function(hp_change, replace_with_item, itemstack, user, pointed_thing) if not itemstack then return end local a=itemstack:get_name() if not[a] and hp_change>0 and minetest.get_item_group(a,"aliveai_eatable")==0 then[a]=hp_change"food", local def=minetest.registered_items[a] def.groups=def.groups or {} def.groups.aliveai_eatable=hp_change minetest.override_item(a, def) end end minetest.after(0, function() local f=aliveai.load("food") if f then for i, v in pairs( do local def=minetest.registered_items[i] if def then def.groups=def.groups or {} def.groups.aliveai_eatable=v minetest.override_item(i, def) end end else"food", end aliveai.respawn_player_point=aliveai.strpos(minetest.settings:get("static_spawnpoint"),1) if not aliveai.respawn_player_point or aliveai.respawn_player_point=="" then aliveai.respawn_player_point=nil minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) if not aliveai.replayerpos then return end aliveai.replayerpos[player:get_player_name()]=nil end) minetest.register_on_respawnplayer(function(player) if not aliveai.replayerpos then aliveai.replayerpos={} end minetest.after(0, function(player) aliveai.replayerpos[player:get_player_name()]=player:get_pos() end, player) end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) if not aliveai.replayerpos then aliveai.replayerpos={} end aliveai.replayerpos[player:get_player_name()]=player:get_pos() end) end end) aliveai.respawn_player=function(ob) if ob:is_player() then local n=ob:get_player_name() if beds and beds.spawn and beds.spawn[n] then ob:set_pos(beds.spawn[n]) ob:set_hp(20) elseif aliveai.respawn_player_point then ob:set_pos(aliveai.respawn_player_point) ob:set_hp(20) elseif aliveai.replayerpos and aliveai.replayerpos[n] then ob:set_pos(aliveai.replayerpos[n]) ob:set_hp(20) else ob:set_pos({x=0,y=-100,z=0}) ob:set_hp(0) end elseif ob:get_luaentity() then ob:remove() end end aliveai.protected=function(pos,name) if not (pos and pos.x) then return true end name=name or "" if type(name)=="string" then elseif type(name)=="table" and name.aliveai then name=name.botname or "" else return true end local m=minetest.get_meta(pos):get_string("aliveai_protected") return m~="" and m~=name end aliveai.protect=function(pos,a) or "?" a.range=a.range or 15 for i, p in pairs(aliveai.get_nodes(pos,a.range,1,{})) do local m=minetest.get_meta(p) m:set_string("aliveai_protected", end end aliveai.unprotect=function(pos,a) or "" a.range=a.range or 15 for i, p in pairs(aliveai.get_nodes(pos,a.range,1,{})) do local m=minetest.get_meta(p) m:set_string("aliveai_protected","") end end aliveai.nan=function(a) return (a == math.huge or a == -math.huge or a ~= a) == false and a or 0 end,g) if not (pos and g) then return 0 end return minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(pos).name,g) end aliveai.param2_to_xzyaw=function(a) if a and a.x and a.y and a.z then a=minetest.get_node(a).param2 elseif tonumber(a)==nil then return 0 end if a==3 then return {x=1,y=0,z=0}, 4.71 elseif a==1 then return {x=-1,y=0,z=0}, 1.57 elseif a==2 then return {x=0,y=0,z=1}, 0 else -- a==0 return {x=0,y=0,z=-1}, 3.14 end end aliveai.xz_to_param2yaw=function(x,z) if x and x==-1 then return 3, 1.57 elseif x and x==1 then return 1, 4.71 elseif z and z==-1 then return 2, 3.14 else -- z==1 return 0, 0 end end aliveai.def=function(pos,n) if not (pos and pos.x and pos.y and pos.z and n and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name]) then return nil end return minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name][n] end aliveai.defnode=function(name,n) if minetest.registered_nodes[name] and minetest.registered_nodes[name][n] then return minetest.registered_nodes[name][n] end end aliveai.floating=function(self,f) if f and f==true then f=1 end if f==1 then local v=self.object:get_velocity() local y=0 if v.y<0 then y=v.y/10 end self.floating=1 self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=0,z =0}) self.object:set_velocity({x=v.x,y=y,z=v.z}) self.path=nil else self.floating=0 self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=-aliveai.gravity,z =0}) self.object:set_velocity({x=0,y=-5,z =0}) end return self end aliveai.die=function(self) self.hp=0 self.object:set_hp(0) aliveai.punch(self,self.object,self.hp_max) return self end aliveai.kill=function(self) self.destroy=1 self.hp=0 self.object:set_hp(0) self.on_step=nil aliveai.punch(self,self.object,9000) return self end aliveai.team_load=function() local t=aliveai.load("team_player") if not t then return end for i, v in pairs(t) do aliveai.team_player[i]=v end end,change_team) if type(ob)~="userdata" then return "" end if change_team and type(change_team)~="string" then return "" end if ob:is_player() then local name=ob:get_player_name() if change_team then aliveai.team_player[name]=change_team"team_player",aliveai.team_player) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You are now a member of team " .. change_team) return end local t=aliveai.team_player[name] if not t then t=aliveai.default_team end return t end local en=ob:get_luaentity() if en and change_team then elseif aliveai.is_bot(ob) then return elseif en and then return elseif en and en.type then return en.type elseif en and not en.type then return "" end return end aliveai.add_mine=function(self,nodes,num,need) num=num or 1 if not self.mine then self.mine={target={},status="search"} self.ignoremineitem="" self.ignoreminetime=0 self.ignoreminechange=0 self.ignoreminetimer=200 self.taskstep=0 aliveai.rndwalk(self,false) end local search1 if type(need)=="string" then search1=need end for i, v in pairs(nodes) do local search2 if minetest.registered_nodes[v] then search2=v end if search1 then search2=search1 elseif need and need[i] then search2=need[i] end aliveai.newneed(self,search2,num,v) end end aliveai.exit_mine=function(self) self.mine=nil self.need=nil self.ignoremineitem=nil self.ignoreminetime=nil self.ignoreminechange=nil self.ignoreminetimer=nil self.taskstep=0 aliveai.rndwalk(self) self.done="" end aliveai.random=function(a,b) if type(b)~="number" or type(a)~="number" then a=0 b=1 end if a>=b then b=a+0.1 end return math.random(a,b) end aliveai.is_bot=function(ob) return (ob and ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().botname and ob:get_luaentity().aliveai) end aliveai.get_bot_name=function(ob) if not (ob and ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().aliveai) then return "" end return ob:get_luaentity().botname end aliveai.same_bot=function(self,ob) if not (ob and ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().aliveai) then return false end return ob:get_luaentity().botname==self.botname end aliveai.get_bot_by_name=function(name) for i,v in pairs( do if v:get_luaentity() and v:get_luaentity().botname==name then return v end end return nil end aliveai.lookaround=function(self) if not self.isrnd then return end if self.attention_path then aliveai.path(self) if self.done=="path" or (math.random(1,5)==1 and aliveai.distance(self,self.attention_path)1 and (self.attention_nodes[n]==3 or math.random(1,3)==1) then local upos={x=nodepos.x,y=nodepos.y+1,z=nodepos.z} local pa=aliveai.neartarget(self,aliveai.roundpos(self.object:get_pos())) if pa then local p=aliveai.creatpath(self,pa,upos) if p then self.path=p self.attention_path=nodepos self.attention_pathkind=self.attention_nodes[n] return self end end elseif self.attention_nodes[n]==-1 and math.random(1,1)==1 then self.object:set_yaw(math.random(0,6.28)) aliveai.walk(self) elseif math.random(1,20)==1 then aliveai.lookat(self,nodepos) end if self.attention_nodes[n]~=0 and math.random(1,100)==1 then self.attention_nodes[n]=0 end else local r=math.random(0,10) self.attention_nodes[n]=0 if r==10 then self.attention_nodes[n]=3 aliveai.lookat(self,nodepos) elseif r==9 then self.attention_nodes[n]=2 aliveai.lookat(self,nodepos) elseif r==8 then self.attention_nodes[n]=1 aliveai.lookat(self,nodepos) elseif r==7 then self.attention_nodes[n]=-1 elseif r<5 then aliveai.lookat(self,nodepos) end end end end end end aliveai.get_nodes=function(self,radio,dencity,filter) if not self then return end radio=radio or 25 dencity=dencity or 5 filter=filter or {"default:dirt","default:stone","air"} local pos local rpos={} local filter2={} if not self.object and self.x and self.y and self.z then pos=self else pos=self.object:get_pos() end pos=aliveai.roundpos(pos) for _, nod in ipairs(filter) do table.insert(filter2,minetest.get_content_id(nod)) end local pos1 = vector.subtract(pos, 1) local pos2 = vector.add(pos, radio) local vox = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local min, max = vox:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = min, MaxEdge = max}) local data = vox:get_data() for z = -radio, radio do for y = -radio, radio do for x = -radio, radio do local p={x=pos.x+x,y=pos.y+y,z=pos.z+z} local v = area:index(p.x,p.y,p.z) if math.random(1,dencity)==1 then local nf=true for _, nod in ipairs(filter2) do if not data[v] or data[v]==nod then nf=false break end end if nf==true then table.insert(rpos,p) end end end end end return rpos end aliveai.random_pos=function(self,Min,Max) if not self then return end Min=Min or 10 Max=Max or 25 local pos local rnd_pos local rnd_d=0 if not self.object and self.x and self.y and self.z then pos=self else pos=self.object:get_pos() end pos=aliveai.roundpos(pos) local air=minetest.get_content_id("air") local pos1 = vector.subtract(pos, Min) local pos2 = vector.add(pos, Max) local vox = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local min, max = vox:read_from_map(pos1, pos2) local area = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = min, MaxEdge = max}) local data = vox:get_data() for z = -Max, Max do for y = -Max, Max do for x = -Max, Max do local v = area:index(pos.x+x,pos.y+y,pos.z+z) local p={x=pos.x+x,y=pos.y+y-1,z=pos.z+z} local n=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(p).name] if data[v]==air and n and n.walkable and math.random(1,10)==1 then local a=true for i=1,3,1 do local p2={x=pos.x+x,y=pos.y+y+i,z=pos.z+z} local n=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(p2).name] if not n or n.walkable then a=false end end local d=aliveai.distance(pos,p) if a and d>rnd_d and d<=Max then p.y=p.y+2 rnd_pos=p rnd_d=d end end end end end return rnd_pos,rnd_d end aliveai.gethp=function(ob,even_dead) if not (ob and ob:get_pos()) then return 0 elseif ob:is_player() then return ob:get_hp() end local en = ob:get_luaentity() return en and ((even_dead and en.aliveai and en.dead and en.hp) or (en.aliveai and en.dead and 0) or en.hp or or ob:get_hp() or 0 end aliveai.showtext=function(self,text,color) self.delstatus=math.random(0,1000) local del=self.delstatus color=color or "ff0000" self.object:set_properties({nametag=text,nametag_color="#" .. color}) minetest.after(1.5, function(self,del) if self and self.object and self.delstatus==del then if self.namecolor~="" then self.object:set_properties({nametag=self.botname,nametag_color="#" .. self.namecolor}) else self.object:set_properties({nametag="",nametag_color=""}) end end end, self,del) return self end aliveai.showhp=function(self,p) local color="ff0000" if p then color="00ff00" end aliveai.showtext(self,self.object:get_hp() .." / " .. self.hp_max,color) return self end aliveai.get_dir=function(self,pos2) local pos1 if self.x and self.y and self.z then pos1=self elseif self.object then pos1=self.object:get_pos() else return {x=0,y=0,z=0} end if pos2 and not (pos2.x and pos2.y and pos2.z) then pos2=pos2:get_pos() end if not (pos2 and pos2.x) then return {x=0,y=0,z=0} end local d=math.floor(aliveai.distance(pos1,pos2)+0.5) return {x=(pos1.x-pos2.x)/-d,y=(pos1.y-pos2.y)/-d,z=(pos1.z-pos2.z)/-d} end aliveai.timer=function(self) if self.type=="npc" then return end if not self.lifetimer or or self.come or self.fight then self.lifetimer=aliveai.lifetimer end self.lifetimer=self.lifetimer-1 if self.lifetimer>0 then return end for _, ob in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:get_pos(), self.distance)) do local en=ob:get_luaentity() if ob:is_player() or (en and en.type and en.type~="" and ((en.type~=self.type) or and then self.lifetimer=nil return end end aliveai.showstatus(self," - removed") self.object:remove() return self end aliveai.creatpath=function(self,pos1,pos2,d,notadvanced) if aliveai.botdelay(self,1) then return nil end if aliveai.max_path_delay>aliveai.max_path_delay_time then print("Pathfinding delay:" .. aliveai.max_path_delay) return nil elseif aliveai.max_path_s>10 then return end pos1=aliveai.roundpos(pos1) pos2=aliveai.roundpos(pos2) d=d or self.distance if self.floating==1 then if aliveai.visiable(pos1,pos2) then local d2=aliveai.distance(pos1,pos2) local dir={x=(pos1.x-pos2.x)/-d2,y=(pos1.y-pos2.y)/-d2,z=(pos1.z-pos2.z)/-d2} local p={} for i=1,d2,1 do table.insert(p,aliveai.roundpos({x=pos1.x+(dir.x*i),y=pos1.y+(dir.y*i),z=pos1.z+(dir.z*i)})) end aliveai.showpath(p,1,true) return p end return nil end local path_delay=os.clock({sec=0}) local p=minetest.find_path(pos1,pos2, self.distance, 2, self.avoidy,"Dijkstra") if aliveai.pathdelays(self,path_delay) then return nil end if aliveai.botdelay(self,1) then return nil end if not notadvanced then p=p or aliveai.createpathbyladder(self,pos1,pos2,d) p=p or aliveai.createpathbytower(self,pos1,pos2) p=p or aliveai.createpathbybridge(self,pos1,pos2) end if aliveai.botdelay(self,1) then return nil end aliveai.showpath(p,1,true) if aliveai.pathdelays(self,path_delay) then return nil end return p end aliveai.pathdelays=function(self,delay) aliveai.max_path_s=aliveai.max_path_s+1 delay=os.clock({sec=0})-delay aliveai.max_path_delay=aliveai.max_path_delay+delay if delay>2 or (self.max_path_delay and self.max_path_delay>2) then if self.max_path_delay and self.max_path_delay>2 then delay=self.max_path_delay end self.on_step=nil self.object:set_hp(0) self.hp=0 aliveai.kill(self) print("delay: " .. delay .. " destroyed " .. self.botname) return self else if not self.max_path_delay or self.max_path_delay<0 then self.max_path_delay=0 end self.max_path_delay=(self.max_path_delay+delay) - 0.1 if delay>1 then return self end end end aliveai.createpathbybridge=function(self,pos1,pos2) local path if aliveai.visiable(pos1,pos2) then aliveai.showstatus(self,"bridge path") local n=0 path={} local v = {x = pos1.x - pos2.x, y = pos1.y - pos2.y-1, z = pos1.z - pos2.z} v=aliveai.roundpos(v) local amount = (v.x ^ 2 + v.y ^ 2 + v.z ^ 2) ^ 0.5 local d=math.floor(math.sqrt((pos1.x-pos2.x)*(pos1.x-pos2.x) + (pos1.y-pos2.y)*(pos1.y-pos2.y)+(pos1.z-pos2.z)*(pos1.z-pos2.z))) local arm=math.floor(self.arm) local snb=0 local sb=(arm-1)*d v.y=v.y-1 v.x = (v.x / amount)*-1 v.y = (v.y / amount)*-1 v.z = (v.z / amount)*-1 for i=0,d,1 do local p={x=pos1.x+(v.x*i),y=pos1.y+v.y-1,z=pos1.z+(v.z*i)} local node=minetest.get_node(p) if minetest.registered_nodes[] and minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable==false then p=aliveai.roundpos(p) table.insert(path,p) aliveai.showpath(p,1) n=n+1 for ii=1,arm,1 do local dp={x=p.x,y=p.y-ii,z=p.z} local node2=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(dp).name] if node2 and node2.damage_per_second>0 then ii=arm elseif node2 and node2.walkable then snb=snb+1 if snb>=sb then return nil end ii=arm end end end end for i, v in pairs(aliveai.basics) do if aliveai.invhave(self,i,n) then self.path_bridge=i break end end if not self.path_bridge then local nn=0 for i, v in pairs(self.inv) do if minetest.registered_nodes[i] and minetest.registered_nodes[i].walkable then nn=nn+v if nn>=n then self.path_bridge="" break end end end end if not self.path_bridge then return nil end end return path end aliveai.createpathbytower=function(self,pos1,pos2) local d=self.distance local tp local new_path local n=0 local tmp=aliveai.neartarget(self,pos2,-1,-d) aliveai.showstatus(self,"tower path") if tmp and aliveai.visiable(self,tmp) then tp={} table.insert(tp,tmp) local tmp2=aliveai.neartarget(self,pos2,-1,2,1) if tmp2 then table.insert(tp,tmp2) end table.insert(tp,pos2) elseif tmp then local tp1=minetest.find_path(pos1,tmp, d, 2, self.avoidy,"Dijkstra") if tp1 then tp=tp1 table.insert(tp,pos2) end else local tp1=minetest.find_path(pos1,pos2, d, d-1, self.avoidy,"Dijkstra") if tp1 then tp=tp1 table.insert(tp,pos2) end end if tp then local p local po new_path={} for i, p in pairs(tp) do if po and po.y=n then self.path_tower="" break end end end end end return new_path end aliveai.createpathbyladder=function(self,pos1,pos2,d) if pos2.y2 then self.temper=1 self.fight=ob aliveai.sayrnd(self,"come here") self.on_detect_enemy(self,self.fight) self.staring=nil return self end self.staring.step=self.staring.step+1 aliveai.lookat(self,ob:get_pos(),true) aliveai.sayrnd(self,"what are you staring at?") return self end end elseif math.random(1,4)==1 and (self.annoyed_by_staring==1 or self.stealing==1) then for _, ob in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, self.arm)) do if ob and ob:get_pos() and aliveai.visiable(self,ob:get_pos()) then if self.stealing==1 and aliveai.random(1,self.steal_chance)==1 then aliveai.steal(self,ob) return self end if self.annoyed_by_staring==1 and self.mood<0 and math.random(1,2)==1 and not aliveai.same_bot(self,ob) then self.staring={} if ob:is_player() then elseif aliveai.is_bot(ob) then else end self.staring.step=1 aliveai.lookat(self,ob:get_pos(),true) return self end end end end self.staring=nil local rndpos local obb for _, ob in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, self.distance)) do if ob and ob:get_pos() and aliveai.viewfield(self,ob) then rndpos=ob:get_pos() obb=ob if math.random(1,3)==1 then break end end end if rndpos then if obb:is_player() then local n=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=rndpos.x,y=rndpos.y-1,z=rndpos.z}).name] if n and not (n.walkable or n.climbable or n.liquid_viscosity>0) and then aliveai.sayrnd(self,"its flying!","",true) end end aliveai.lookat(self,rndpos) aliveai.stand(self) end elseif rnd<4 then aliveai.lookat(self,math.random(0,6.28),true,true) elseif self.talking==1 and rnd==5 and math.random(1,20)==1 then aliveai.stand(self) local rndpos local obb local d=99 for _, ob in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:get_pos(), self.distance/2)) do if ob and ob:get_pos() and aliveai.visiable(self,ob) then if d>aliveai.distance(self,ob:get_pos()) and not aliveai.same_bot(self,ob) then rndpos=ob:get_pos() obb=ob end if math.random(1,3)==1 then break end end end if not obb then return end aliveai.lookat(self,rndpos) aliveai.rnd_talk_to(self,obb) elseif rnd==6 and not self.folow then local ob2 for _, ob in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:get_pos(), self.distance)) do if aliveai.visiable(self,ob:get_pos()) and aliveai.viewfield(self,ob) and aliveai.get_bot_name(ob)~=self.botname then ob2=ob if math.random(1,2)==1 then self.folow=ob return self end end end self.folow=ob2 end end aliveai.punchdmg=function(ob,hp) if not ob or type(ob)~="userdata" then return end hp=hp or 1 ob:punch(ob,1,{full_punch_interval=1,damage_groups={fleshy=hp}}) end aliveai.punch=function(self,ob,hp) if not ob or type(ob)~="userdata" then return end hp=hp or 1 if ob:get_luaentity() and ob:get_luaentity().itemstring then ob:remove() return end ob:punch(self.object,1,{full_punch_interval=1,damage_groups={fleshy=hp}}) if self.object:get_hp()<=0 then return nil end return self end aliveai.dmgbynode=function(self) if self.damage_by_blocks~=1 then return self end local pos=aliveai.newpos(self) local d1=aliveai.def(pos:yy(0),"damage_per_second") local d2=aliveai.def(pos:yy(-1),"damage_per_second") if d1 and d1>0 then aliveai.punchdmg(self.object,d1) if not (self.dying or self.dead or self.sleeping) then self.object:set_yaw(math.random(0,6.28)) aliveai.walk(self,2) aliveai.showstatus(self,"hurts by node",1) end elseif d2 and d2>0 then aliveai.punchdmg(self.object,d2) if not (self.dying or self.dead or self.sleeping) then self.object:set_yaw(math.random(0,6.28)) aliveai.walk(self,2) aliveai.showstatus(self,"hurts by node",1) end end return self end aliveai.falling=function(self) self.timerfalling=0 if self.floating==1 then local a=self.object:get_acceleration() local v=self.object:get_velocity() if v.y~=0 and v.y<-0.02 or v.y>0.02 then v.y=v.y*0.79 else v.y=0 end self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=0,z=0}) self.object:set_velocity({x=v.x,y=v.y,z=v.z}) return self end if aliveai.bots_delay2>aliveai.max_delay then return self end if self.isrnd and self.path and self.in_liquid==nil then aliveai.path(self) return self end if self.isrnd and self.done=="path" then self.timerfalling=0.2 self.done="" end self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=-aliveai.gravity,z =0}) local pos=self.object:get_pos() local node2=minetest.get_node(pos) pos.y=pos.y-1 local node=minetest.get_node(pos) -- if unknown local test2=minetest.registered_nodes[] local test=minetest.registered_nodes[] if not (test and test2) then return nil end --water if test2.liquid_viscosity>0 then self.in_liquid=true local s=1 if self.dying or self.dead or self.sleeping then s=-1 end self.object:set_acceleration({x =0, y =0.1*s, z =0}) if self.object:get_velocity().y<-0.1 then local y=self.object:get_velocity().y self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x, y =y/2, z =self.move.z}) return self end self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x, y =1*s - (test2.liquid_viscosity*0.1), z =self.move.z}) if test.drowning and not self.drown then self.drown=true self.air=0 elseif self.air and self.air>=20 then aliveai.punchdmg(self.object,1) elseif self.air then self.air=self.air+0.1 end return self -- ladder elseif test.climbable then self.in_liquid=true if not self.air then self.air=0 elseif self.air>=20 then aliveai.punchdmg(self.object,1) elseif self.air>=5 then self.object:set_yaw(math.random(0,6.28)) aliveai.walk(self) self.object:set_acceleration({x =0, y =-0.2, z =0}) self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x, y =-2, z =self.move.z}) return self end if self.climb==pos.y then self.air=self.air+0.1 end self.climb=pos.y self.object:set_acceleration({x =0, y =0.1, z =0}) if self.object:get_velocity().y<-0.1 then local y=self.object:get_velocity().y self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x, y =y/2, z =self.move.z}) return self end self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x, y =1, z =self.move.z}) aliveai.stand(self) return self -- no water or ledder elseif self.in_liquid then node=minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-0.2,z=pos.z}) local n=minetest.registered_nodes[] self.air=nil self.climb=nil if n.liquid_viscosity>0 or n.climbable then self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=0,z =0}) self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x, y =0, z =self.move.z}) return self end self.in_liquid=nil self.object:set_acceleration({x=0,y=-10,z =0}) elseif test2.drowning>0 and self.drowning then if not self.air then self.drown=true self.air=0 elseif self.air>=20 then aliveai.punchdmg(self.object,1) end self.air=self.air+(test.drowning*0.1) return self elseif self.drown then self.in_liquid=nil self.air=nil self.drown=nil -- falling elseif self.object:get_velocity().y~=0 then if not self.fallingfrom or self.fallingfrom=self.avoidy then aliveai.punchdmg(self.object,d) end else if not self.isfalling then local from=math.floor(self.fallingfrom+0.5) local hit=math.floor(pos.y+0.5) local d=from-hit if d>=self.avoidy then self.isfalling=1 aliveai.sayrnd(self,"AHHH","",true) end end end elseif not self.told_flying and self.object:get_attach() and self.object:get_velocity().y==0 then local n=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-2,z=pos.z}).name] if n and not (n.walkable or test.climbable or test2.liquid_viscosity>0 or n.liquid_viscosity>0) then aliveai.sayrnd(self,"Hey, im flying!","",true) self.told_flying=1 end elseif self.told_flying and not self.object:get_attach() then self.told_flying=nil end -- return if not moving if self.move.x+self.move.z==0 then return self end --disable rnd directions if not self.path then local j={} local dmg=false for i=1,self.avoidy*-1,-1 do local nnode=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+self.move.x,y=pos.y+i,z=pos.z+self.move.z}).name] if not nnode then return end if nnode.damage_per_second>0 then dmg=true break end if i<0 then j[2+(i*-1)]=nnode.walkable end if nnode.walkable then break end end if self.fight and aliveai.distance(self,self.fight)<=self.arm*1.5 then j[self.avoidy+2]=nil dmg=nil end if j[self.avoidy+2]==false or dmg then self.falllook={ignore=false} local canuse={4.71,1.57,0,3.14} local f={{x=1,z=0},{x=-1,z=0},{x=0,z=1},{x=0,z=-1}} local use=1 j={} for i=1,4,1 do for i2=1,self.avoidy*-1,-1 do local nnode=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+f[i].x,y=pos.y+i2,z=pos.z+f[i].z}).name] if not nnode then return end if nnode.damage_per_second>0 then break end if nnode.walkable then self.falllook[use]=canuse[i] self.falllook.n=use use=use+1 aliveai.showpath({x=pos.x+f[i].x,y=pos.y+i2+1,z=pos.z+f[i].z},2) break end end end if use==1 then self.falllook.ignore=true self.falllook.times=5 else self.falllook.times=10 local p=aliveai.creatpath(self,pos,aliveai.roundpos(pos)) if p~=nil then self.path=p self.timerfalling=0.1 aliveai.falling(self) return self end end self.falllook.times=10 return self elseif j[4]==false and self.object:get_velocity().y==0 then self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x*2, y = 5.2, z =self.move.z*2}) end end return self end aliveai.jump=function(self,v) if self.object:get_velocity().y==0 then v=v or {} v.y=v.y or 5.2 v.x=v.x or self.move.x v.z=v.z or self.move.z self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x, y = v.y, z =self.move.z}) end end aliveai.jumping=function(self) local pos=self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end pos.y=pos.y-self.basey if minetest.get_node(pos)==nil then return end local test=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] -- jump inside block if self.object:get_velocity().y==0 and test.walkable and test.drawtype~="nodebox" then aliveai.jump(self) aliveai.showstatus(self,"jump inside block") if self.light==-1 then return self end pos.y=pos.y+2 local n1=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] if n1 and n1.walkable then aliveai.stuckinblock(self) end return self elseif test.walkable and test.drawtype=="nodeboax" and,"aliveai_door") then aliveai.open_door(self,pos) return self elseif{x=pos.x+self.move.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+self.move.z},"aliveai_door")>0 then aliveai.open_door(self,{x=pos.x+self.move.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+self.move.z}) return self end if self.move.x+self.move.z~=0 and self.object:get_velocity().y==0 then local x=self.move.x local z=self.move.z local j={} for i=-2,3,1 do local jnod=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+x,y=pos.y+i,z=pos.z+z}).name] if not jnod then return end j[i+3]=jnod.walkable end -- jump x1 if j[3] and j[4]==false and j[5]==false then aliveai.jump(self) minetest.after(0.5, function(self) if self and self.object and self.object:get_luaentity() and self.object:get_luaentity().name then self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x*2, y = self.object:get_velocity().y, z =self.move.z*2}) end end, self) aliveai.showstatus(self,"jump") return self --jump x2 elseif j[4] and j[5]==false and j[6]==false then aliveai.jump(self,{y=7}) minetest.after(0.5, function(self) if self and self.object and self.object:get_luaentity() and self.object:get_luaentity().name then self.object:set_velocity({x = self.move.x*2, y = self.object:get_velocity().y, z =self.move.z*2}) end end, self) aliveai.showstatus(self,"jump x2") return self --wall or door elseif not self.path and j[4] and j[6] then aliveai.showstatus(self,"wall") aliveai.stand(self) end end return self end aliveai.neartarget=function(self,p,starty,endy,stepy) aliveai.showstatus(self,"check neartarget") local a={ {x=p.x-1,z=p.z}, {x=p.x+1,z=p.z}, {x=p.x,z=p.z+1}, {x=p.x,z=p.z-1}, {x=p.x+1,z=p.z+1}, {x=p.x-1,z=p.z-1}, {x=p.x-1,z=p.z+1}, {x=p.x+1,z=p.z-1}} local n=8 local o=aliveai.roundpos(self.object:get_pos()) local last_p=nil local last_able=nil starty=starty or 1 endy=endy or -4 stepy=stepy or -1 for y=starty,endy,stepy do for i=1,8,1 do last_p={x=a[i].x,y=p.y+y,z=a[i].z} if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(last_p).name] and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(last_p).name].walkable==false then local nod1=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=a[i].x,y=p.y+y-1,z=a[i].z}).name] local nod2=minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=a[i].x,y=p.y+y+1,z=a[i].z}).name] if nod1 and nod1.walkable and nod2 and nod2.walkable==false then last_able={x=a[i].x,y=p.y+y,z=a[i].z} if o.y==last_able.y then aliveai.showpath(last_able,3) return last_able end end else n=n-1 end end if n==0 and y<=0 then break end n=8 end if last_able~=nil then aliveai.showpath(last_able,3) return last_able end return nil end aliveai.findnode=function(self,node_name,ignores) aliveai.showstatus(self,"find node") local pos=self.object:get_pos() pos.y=pos.y-1 local re={pos={},path={}} local np=minetest.find_node_near(pos, self.distance,{node_name}) if ignores and np~=nil then -- ignore unable nodes for _, s in pairs(ignores) do if aliveai.samepos(np,s) then return ignores end end end if np~=nil and minetest.is_protected(np,"")==false then re.pos=np local np2=nil local near=aliveai.neartarget(self,np) if near~=nil then np2=near else np2=minetest.find_node_near(np, 2,{"air"}) end if np2~=nil then local np3=np if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=np2.x,y=np2.y-1,z=np2.z}).name].walkable==false or minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=np2.x,y=np2.y+1,z=np2.z}).name].walkable==false then np3=np2 aliveai.showpath(np,3) end local pos1=aliveai.roundpos(pos) local p=aliveai.creatpath(self,pos1,np3) if p~=nil then re.path=p return re else if not ignores then ignores={} end -- ignore unable nodes table.insert(ignores, np) return ignores end end end return nil end aliveai.ignorenode=function(self,pos) if self.mine then if not self.mine.ignore then self.mine.ignore={} end -- ignore unable nodes table.insert(self.mine.ignore, pos) return self end end aliveai.samepos=function(pos1,pos2) return (pos1 and pos2 and pos1.x==pos2.x and pos1.y==pos2.y and pos1.z==pos2.z) end aliveai.roundpos=function(pos) if pos and pos.x and pos.y and pos.z then pos.x = math.floor(pos.x+0.5) pos.y = math.floor(pos.y+0.5) pos.z = math.floor(pos.z+0.5) return pos end return nil end aliveai.viewfield=function(self,ob) if not (self and self.object and ob) then return false end local pos1=self.object:get_pos() local pos2 = type(ob) == "userdata" and ob:get_pos() or ob return aliveai.distance(pos1,pos2)>aliveai.distance(aliveai.pointat(self,0.1),pos2) end aliveai.pointat=function(self,d) local pos=self.object:get_pos() local yaw=aliveai.nan(self.object:get_yaw()) d=d or 1 local x =math.sin(yaw) * -d local z =math.cos(yaw) * d return {x=pos.x+x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z+z} end aliveai.distance=function(pos1,pos2) if not (pos1 and pos1.x and pos2 and pos2.x) then return 0 end pos1 = type(pos1) == "userdata" and pos1:get_pos() or pos1.object and pos1.object:get_pos() or pos1 pos2 = type(pos2) == "userdata" and pos2:get_pos() or pos2.object and pos2.object:get_pos() or pos2 if type(pos2) ~= "table" then return 0 end return vector.distance(pos1,pos2) end aliveai.visiable=function(pos1,pos2) pos1 = type(pos1) == "userdata" and pos1:get_pos() or pos1.object and pos1.object:get_pos() or pos1 pos2 = type(pos2) == "userdata" and pos2:get_pos() or pos2 if not (pos1 and pos1.x and pos2 and pos2.x) then return false end local v = {x = pos1.x - pos2.x, y = pos1.y - pos2.y-1, z = pos1.z - pos2.z} v.y=v.y-1 local amount = (v.x ^ 2 + v.y ^ 2 + v.z ^ 2) ^ 0.5 local d=vector.distance(pos1,pos2) v.x = (v.x / amount)*-1 v.y = (v.y / amount)*-1 v.z = (v.z / amount)*-1 for i=1,d,1 do local node = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node({x=pos1.x+(v.x*i),y=pos1.y+(v.y*i),z=pos1.z+(v.z*i)}).name] if node and node.walkable then return false end end return true end aliveai.walk=function(self,sp) local pos=self.object:get_pos() local yaw=aliveai.nan(self.object:get_yaw()) sp=sp or 1 local x =math.sin(yaw) * -1 local z =math.cos(yaw) * 1 local y=self.object:get_velocity().y local s=(self.move.speed+1)*sp self.move.x=x*sp self.move.z=z*sp if self.floating==1 and self.lookat then if pos.yself.lookat.y+0.25 then y=-s end self.lookat=nil end self.object:set_velocity({ x = x*s, y = y, z = z*s}) if self.hugwalk==0 then aliveai.anim(self,"walk") else aliveai.anim(self,"hugwalk") end return self end aliveai.stand=function(self) if not self.move or not self.object or not self.object:get_velocity() then aliveai.kill(self) return end self.move.x=0 self.move.z=0 self.object:set_velocity({ x = 0, y = self.object:get_velocity().y, z = 0}) aliveai.anim(self,"stand") return self end aliveai.lookat=function(self,pos2) if type(pos2)=="table" then local pos1=self.object:get_pos() local vec = {x=pos1.x-pos2.x, y=pos1.y-pos2.y, z=pos1.z-pos2.z} local yaw = aliveai.nan(math.atan(vec.z/vec.x)-math.pi/2) if pos1.x >= pos2.x then yaw = yaw+math.pi end self.object:set_yaw(yaw) self.lookat=pos2 elseif type(pos2)=="number" then self.object:set_yaw(pos2) end return self end aliveai.anim=function(self,type) if self.visual~="mesh" then return end if type==self.anim or self.anim==nil then return self end local a=self.animation[type] if not a then return self end self.object:set_animation({ x=a.x, y=a.y, },a.speed,a.loop) self.anim=type return self end aliveai.strpos=function(str,spl) if str==nil then return "" end if spl then local c="," if string.find(str," ") then c=" " end local s=str.split(str,c) if s[3]==nil then return nil else return {x=tonumber(s[1]),y=tonumber(s[2]),z=tonumber(s[3])} end else if str.x and str.y and str.z then str=aliveai.roundpos(str) return str.x .."," .. str.y .."," .. str.z else return nil end end end aliveai.genname=function(self) local r=math.random(3,15) local s="" local rnd for i=1, r do rnd=math.random(1, 4) if rnd==1 then s=s .. string.char(math.random(97, 122)) elseif rnd==2 then s=s .. string.char(math.random(48, 57)) else s=s .. string.char(math.random(65, 90)) end end return s end aliveai.max=function(self,update) local c=0 for i,v in pairs( do if aliveai.gethp(v,1)<0 then table.remove(,c) else c=c+1 end end aliveai.active_num=c local new=aliveai.newbot aliveai.newbot=nil if new and aliveai.active_num>aliveai.max_new_bots then self.object:remove() return self end if update then return self elseif aliveai.bots_delay2>aliveai.max_delay and (self.old==0 or self.delay_average.time>1) then if self.old==0 then print("aliveai: removed","new","active bots: " ..aliveai.active_num) else print("aliveai: removed","delay: " ..self.delay_average.time,"active bots: " ..aliveai.active_num) end aliveai.bots_delay2= aliveai.bots_delay2*0.99 aliveai.sayrnd(self,"LAAAAAAAAG!") self.object:remove() return self end if not[self.botname] then[self.botname]=self.object end end aliveai.botdelay=function(self,a) if self.delaytimeout then if os.clock()>self.delaytimeout then self.delaytimeout=nil a=1 else return self end elseif not self.delay_average then self.delay_average={time=0} end local new=os.clock()-self.delaytimer if aliveai.game_paused then self.delay_average={time=0} self.delaytimer=os.clock() return elseif not a then self.delaytimer=os.clock() return else if not self.delay_steps_to then self.delay_steps_to=0 end self.delay_steps_to=self.delay_steps_to+1 if self.delay_steps_to<10 then return end self.delay_steps_to=0 local p=math.floor(new/aliveai.delaytime)/10 if #self.delay_average>10 then table.remove(self.delay_average,1) local d=self.delay_average self.delay_average.time=aliveai.nan((d[1]+d[2]+d[3]+d[4]+d[5]+d[6]+d[7]+d[8]+d[9]+d[10])/10) else table.insert(self.delay_average,p) end if self.terminal_user then if aliveai.terminal_users[self.terminal_user] and aliveai.terminal_users[self.terminal_user].botname==self.botname then if aliveai.terminal_users[self.terminal_user].status then aliveai.show_terminal(minetest.get_player_by_name(self.terminal_user),1) end else self.terminal_user=nil end end if self.delay_average.time>1 then self.delaytimeout=os.clock()+(p-1) if self.type~="npc" or (self.type=="npc" and self.delay_average.time>1.5) then aliveai.max(self) end if aliveai.status==true then aliveai.showstatus(self,(self.delay_average.time*100) .."% delay",1) end elseif aliveai.status==true and self.delay_average.time>0.5 then aliveai.showstatus(self,(self.delay_average.time*100) .."% delay",4) end self.delaytimer=os.clock() end end