extends Control var _screeninfo = { player_pos = Vector3(), chunk_id = Vector3(), chunk_pos = Vector3(), pointing_at = "", } func _ready(): Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED) var ss = get_viewport_rect().size/2 var cs = $crosshair.rect_size / 2 $crosshair.rect_position = ss - cs var p = OS.get_screen_size()/2 var s = OS.window_size/2 var winpos = p-s winpos.y = 0 #now we can see the output OS.set_window_position(winpos) #if you are not trying to solve a problem, this one is kinda useless func screeninfo(lab,v): _screeninfo[lab] = v var s = _screeninfo.player_pos.round() var c = _screeninfo.chunk_id var p = _screeninfo.chunk_pos $screeninfo.text = str("Pos: ",s.x,",",s.y,",",s.z," Chunk ID: ",c.x,",",c.y,",",c.z," Chunk pos: ",p.x,",",p.y,",",p.z," Pointing at: ",_screeninfo.pointing_at)