# Voxel Prototype # Licenses: code: GPL-2.0, media: CC BY-SA-4.0 ## this is a Godot game project: https://godotengine.org ## Version 2: https://github.com/AiTechEye/Mineshafts-prototype2 ### This is what is done with it: https://youtu.be/PQk8aqcGZnc ![Screenshot](/screenshot.PNG) **Notes** 1. i like to do things simple, the result is more performance + a less confused coder. 1. this was a very early step in my game progress. 1. i dont know why the water looks wierd. 1. i dont know why the player is shaking. 1. i have no desire to make a save game system or update this project anymore. 1. just enyoy |Action|Control| |----|----| |Move|A,S,D,W| |Jump|Space| Fly/Walk mode|F| Fly up/down|Q,E| Fly slow|SHIFT| Choose block|scroll up/down|