-- BALL: energy ball that flies around, can bounce and activate stuff -- rnd 2016: -- TO DO: move mode: ball just rolling around on ground without hopping, also if inside slope it would "roll down", just increased velocity in slope direction -- SETTINGS basic_machines.ball = {}; basic_machines.ball.maxdamage = 10; -- player health 20 basic_machines.ball.bounce_materials = { -- to be used with bounce setting 2 in ball spawner: 1: bounce in x direction, 2: bounce in z direction, otherwise it bounces in y direction ["default:wood"]=1, ["xpanes:bar_2"]=1, ["xpanes:bar_10"]=1, ["darkage:iron_bars"]=1, ["default:glass"] = 2, }; -- END OF SETTINGS local ballcount = {}; local function round(x) if x < 0 then return -math.floor(-x+0.5); else return math.floor(x+0.5); end end local ball_spawner_update_form = function (pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local x0,y0,z0; x0=meta:get_int("x0");y0=meta:get_int("y0");z0=meta:get_int("z0"); -- direction of velocity local energy,bounce,g,puncheable, gravity,hp,hurt,solid; local speed = meta:get_float("speed"); -- if positive sets initial ball speed energy = meta:get_float("energy"); -- if positive activates, negative deactivates, 0 does nothing bounce = meta:get_int("bounce"); -- if nonzero bounces when hit obstacle, 0 gets absorbed gravity = meta:get_float("gravity"); -- gravity hp = meta:get_float("hp"); hurt = meta:get_float("hurt"); puncheable = meta:get_int("puncheable"); -- if 1 can be punched by players in protection, if 2 can be punched by anyone solid = meta:get_int("solid"); -- if 1 then entity is solid - cant be walked on local texture = meta:get_string("texture") or "basic_machines_ball.png"; local visual = meta:get_string("visual") or "sprite"; local scale = meta:get_int("scale"); local form = "size[4.25,4.75]" .. -- width, height "field[0.25,0.5;1,1;x0;target;"..x0.."] field[1.25,0.5;1,1;y0;;"..y0.."] field[2.25,0.5;1,1;z0;;"..z0.."]".. "field[3.25,0.5;1,1;speed;speed;"..speed.."]".. --speed, jump, gravity,sneak "field[0.25,1.5;1,1;energy;energy;"..energy.."]".. "field[1.25,1.5;1,1;bounce;bounce;".. bounce.."]".. "field[2.25,1.5;1,1;gravity;gravity;"..gravity.."]".. "field[3.25,1.5;1,1;puncheable;puncheable;"..puncheable.."]".. "field[3.25,2.5;1,1;solid;solid;"..solid.."]".. "field[0.25,2.5;1,1;hp;hp;"..hp.."]".."field[1.25,2.5;1,1;hurt;hurt;"..hurt.."]".. "field[0.25,3.5;4,1;texture;texture;"..minetest.formspec_escape(texture).."]".. "field[0.25,4.5;1,1;scale;scale;"..scale.."]".."field[1.25,4.5;1,1;visual;visual;"..visual.."]".. "button_exit[3.25,4.25;1,1;OK;OK]"; if meta:get_int("admin")==1 then local lifetime = meta:get_int("lifetime"); if lifetime <= 0 then lifetime = 20 end form = form .. "field[2.25,2.5;1,1;lifetime;lifetime;"..lifetime.."]" end meta:set_string("formspec",form); end minetest.register_entity("basic_machines:ball",{ timer = 0, lifetime = 20, -- how long it exists before disappearing energy = 0, -- if negative it will deactivate stuff, positive will activate, 0 wont do anything puncheable = 1, -- can be punched by players in protection bounce = 0, -- 0: absorbs in block, 1 = proper bounce=lag buggy, -- to do: 2 = line of sight bounce gravity = 0, speed = 5, -- velocity when punched hurt = 0, -- how much damage it does to target entity, if 0 damage disabled owner = "", state = false, origin = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, lastpos = {x=0,y=0,z=0}, -- last not-colliding position hp_max = 100, elasticity = 0.9, -- speed gets multiplied by this after bounce visual="sprite", visual_size={x=.6,y=.6}, collisionbox = {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5, 0.5,0.5,0.5}, physical=false, --textures={"basic_machines_ball"}, on_activate = function(self, staticdata) self.object:set_properties({textures={"basic_machines_ball.png"}}) self.object:set_properties({visual_size = {x=1, y=1}}); self.timer = 0;self.owner = ""; self.origin = self.object:getpos(); self.lifetime = 20; end, get_staticdata = function(self) -- this gets called before object put in world and before it hides if not self.state then return nil end self.object:remove(); return nil end, on_punch = function (self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir) if self.puncheable == 0 then return end if self.puncheable == 1 then -- only those in protection local name = puncher:get_player_name(); local pos = self.object:getpos(); if minetest.is_protected(pos,name) then return end end --minetest.chat_send_all(minetest.pos_to_string(dir)) if time_from_last_punch<0.5 then return end local v = self.speed or 1; local velocity = dir; velocity.x = velocity.x*v;velocity.y = velocity.y*v;velocity.z = velocity.z*v; self.object:setvelocity(velocity) end, on_step = function(self, dtime) self.timer=self.timer+dtime if self.timer>self.lifetime then local count = ballcount[self.owner] or 1; count=count-1; ballcount[self.owner] = count; self.object:remove() return end if not self.state then self.state = true end local pos=self.object:getpos() local origin = self.origin; local r = 30;-- maximal distance when balls disappear local dist = math.max(math.abs(pos.x-origin.x), math.abs(pos.y-origin.y), math.abs(pos.z-origin.z)); if dist>r then -- remove if it goes too far local count = ballcount[self.owner] or 1; count=count-1; ballcount[self.owner] = count; self.object:remove() return end local nodename = minetest.get_node(pos).name; local walkable = false; if nodename ~= "air" then walkable = minetest.registered_nodes[nodename].walkable; if nodename == "basic_machines:ball_spawner" and dist>0.5 then walkable = true end -- ball can activate spawner, just not originating one end if not walkable then self.lastpos = pos if self.hurt~=0 then -- check for coliding nearby objects local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos,2); if #objects>1 then for _, obj in pairs(objects) do local p = obj:getpos(); local d = math.sqrt((p.x-pos.x)^2+(p.y-pos.y)^2+(p.z-pos.z)^2); if d>0 then --if minetest.is_protected(p,self.owner) then return end if math.abs(p.x)<32 and math.abs(p.y)<32 and math.abs(p.z)<32 then return end -- no damage around spawn if obj:is_player() then --player if obj:get_player_name()==self.owner then break end -- dont hurt owner local hp = obj:get_hp() local newhp = hp-self.hurt; if newhp<=0 and boneworld and boneworld.killxp then local killxp = boneworld.killxp[self.owner]; if killxp then boneworld.killxp[self.owner] = killxp + 0.01; end end obj:set_hp(newhp) else -- non player local hp = obj:get_hp() local newhp = hp-self.hurt; obj:set_hp(newhp) end local count = ballcount[self.owner] or 1; count=count-1; ballcount[self.owner] = count; self.object:remove(); return end end end end end if walkable then -- we hit a node --minetest.chat_send_all(" hit node at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) local node = minetest.get_node(pos); local table = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]; if table and table.mesecons and table.mesecons.effector then -- activate target local energy = self.energy; if energy~=0 then if minetest.is_protected(pos,self.owner) then return end end local effector = table.mesecons.effector; self.object:remove(); if energy>0 then if not effector.action_on then return end effector.action_on(pos,node,16); elseif energy<0 then if not effector.action_off then return end effector.action_off(pos,node,16); end else -- bounce ( copyright rnd, 2016 ) local bounce = self.bounce; if self.bounce == 0 then local count = ballcount[self.owner] or 1; count=count-1; ballcount[self.owner] = count; self.object:remove() return end local n = {x=0,y=0,z=0}; -- this will be bounce normal local v = self.object:getvelocity(); local opos = {x=round(pos.x),y=round(pos.y), z=round(pos.z)}; -- obstacle local bpos ={ x=(pos.x-opos.x),y=(pos.y-opos.y),z=(pos.z-opos.z)}; -- boundary position on cube, approximate if bounce == 2 then -- uses special blocks for non buggy lag proof bouncing: by default it bounces in y direction local bounce_direction = basic_machines.ball.bounce_materials[node.name] or 0; if bounce_direction == 0 then if v.y>=0 then n.y = -1 else n.y = 1 end elseif bounce_direction == 1 then if v.x>=0 then n.x = -1 else n.x = 1 end n.y = 0; elseif bounce_direction == 2 then if v.z>=0 then n.z = -1 else n.z = 1 end n.y = 0; end else -- algorithm to determine bounce direction - problem: with lag its impossible to determine reliable which node was hit and which face .. if v.x<=0 then n.x = 1 else n.x = -1 end -- possible bounce directions if v.y<=0 then n.y = 1 else n.y = -1 end if v.z<=0 then n.z = 1 else n.z = -1 end local dpos = {}; dpos.x = 0.5*n.x; dpos.y = 0; dpos.z = 0; -- calculate distance to bounding surface midpoints local d1 = (bpos.x-dpos.x)^2 + (bpos.y)^2 + (bpos.z)^2; dpos.x = 0; dpos.y = 0.5*n.y; dpos.z = 0; local d2 = (bpos.x)^2 + (bpos.y-dpos.y)^2 + (bpos.z)^2; dpos.x = 0; dpos.y = 0; dpos.z = 0.5*n.z; local d3 = (bpos.x)^2 + (bpos.y)^2 + (bpos.z-dpos.z)^2; local d = math.min(d1,d2,d3); -- we obtain bounce direction from minimal distance if d1==d then --x n.y=0;n.z=0 elseif d2==d then --y n.x=0;n.z=0 elseif d3==d then --z n.x=0;n.y=0 end nodename=minetest.get_node({x=opos.x+n.x,y=opos.y+n.y,z=opos.z+n.z}).name -- verify normal walkable = nodename ~= "air"; if walkable then -- problem, nonempty node - incorrect normal, fix it if n.x ~=0 then -- x direction is wrong, try something else n.x=0; if v.y>=0 then n.y = -1 else n.y = 1 end -- try y nodename=minetest.get_node({x=opos.x+n.x,y=opos.y+n.y,z=opos.z+n.z}).name -- verify normal walkable = nodename ~= "air"; if walkable then -- still problem, only remaining is z n.y=0; if v.z>=0 then n.z = -1 else n.z = 1 end nodename=minetest.get_node({x=opos.x+n.x,y=opos.y+n.y,z=opos.z+n.z}).name -- verify normal walkable = nodename ~= "air"; if walkable then -- messed up, just remove the ball self.object:remove() return end end end end end local elasticity = self.elasticity; -- bounce if n.x~=0 then v.x=-elasticity*v.x elseif n.y~=0 then v.y=-elasticity*v.y elseif n.z~=0 then v.z=-elasticity*v.z end local r = 0.2 bpos = {x=pos.x+n.x*r,y=pos.y+n.y*r,z=pos.z+n.z*r}; -- point placed a bit further away from box self.object:setpos(bpos) -- place object at last known outside point self.object:setvelocity(v); minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos=pos,gain=1.0,max_hear_distance = 8,}) end end return end, }) minetest.register_node("basic_machines:ball_spawner", { description = "Spawns energy ball one block above", tiles = {"basic_machines_ball.png"}, groups = {cracky=3, mesecon_effector_on = 1}, drawtype = "allfaces", paramtype = "light", param1=1, walkable = false, alpha = 150, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), after_place_node = function(pos, placer) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name()); local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(placer:get_player_name()); if privs.privs then meta:set_int("admin",1) end if privs.machines then meta:set_int("machines",1) end meta:set_float("hurt",0); meta:set_string("texture", "basic_machines_ball.png"); meta:set_float("hp",100); meta:set_float("speed",5); -- if positive sets initial ball speed meta:set_float("energy",1); -- if positive activates, negative deactivates, 0 does nothing meta:set_int("bounce",0); -- if nonzero bounces when hit obstacle, 0 gets absorbed meta:set_float("gravity",0); -- gravity meta:set_int("puncheable",0); -- if 0 not puncheable, if 1 can be punched by players in protection, if 2 can be punched by anyone meta:set_int("scale",100); meta:set_string("visual","sprite"); ball_spawner_update_form(pos); end, mesecons = {effector = { action_on = function (pos, node,ttl) if ttl<0 then return end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local t0 = meta:get_int("t"); local t1 = minetest.get_gametime(); local T = meta:get_int("T"); -- temperature if t0>t1-2 then -- activated before natural time T=T+1; else if T>0 then T=T-1 if t1-t0>5 then T = 0 end end end meta:set_int("T",T); meta:set_int("t",t1); -- update last activation time if T > 2 then -- overheat minetest.sound_play("default_cool_lava",{pos = pos, max_hear_distance = 16, gain = 0.25}) meta:set_string("infotext","overheat: temperature ".. T) return end if meta:get_int("machines")~=1 then -- no machines priv, limit ball count local owner = meta:get_string("owner"); local count = ballcount[owner]; if not count or count<0 then count = 0 end if count>=2 then if t1-t0>20 then count = 0 else return end end count = count + 1; ballcount[owner]=count; --minetest.chat_send_all("count " .. count); end pos.x = round(pos.x);pos.y = round(pos.y);pos.z = round(pos.z); local obj = minetest.add_entity({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}, "basic_machines:ball"); local luaent = obj:get_luaentity(); local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local speed,energy,bounce,gravity,puncheable,solid; speed = meta:get_float("speed"); energy = meta:get_float("energy"); -- if positive activates, negative deactivates, 0 does nothing bounce = meta:get_int("bounce"); -- if nonzero bounces when hit obstacle, 0 gets absorbed gravity = meta:get_float("gravity"); -- gravity puncheable = meta:get_int("puncheable"); -- if 1 can be punched by players in protection, if 2 can be punched by anyone solid = meta:get_int("solid"); if energy<0 then obj:set_properties({textures={"basic_machines_ball.png^[colorize:blue:120"}}) end luaent.bounce = bounce; luaent.energy = energy; if gravity>0 then obj:setacceleration({x=0,y=-gravity,z=0}); end luaent.puncheable = puncheable; luaent.owner = meta:get_string("owner"); luaent.hurt = meta:get_float("hurt"); if solid==1 then luaent.physical = true end obj:set_hp( meta:get_float("hp") ); local x0,y0,z0; if speed>0 then luaent.speed = speed end x0=meta:get_int("x0");y0=meta:get_int("y0");z0=meta:get_int("z0"); -- direction of velocity if speed~=0 and (x0~=0 or y0~=0 or z0~=0) then -- set velocity direction local velocity = {x=x0,y=y0,z=z0}; local v = math.sqrt(velocity.x^2+velocity.y^2+velocity.z^2); if v == 0 then v = 1 end v = v / speed; velocity.x=velocity.x/v;velocity.y=velocity.y/v;velocity.z=velocity.z/v; obj:setvelocity(velocity); end if meta:get_int("admin")==1 then luaent.lifetime = meta:get_float("lifetime"); end local visual = meta:get_string("visual") obj:set_properties({visual=visual}); local texture = meta:get_string("texture"); if visual=="sprite" then obj:set_properties({textures={texture}}) elseif visual == "cube" then obj:set_properties({textures={texture,texture,texture,texture,texture,texture}}) end local scale = meta:get_int("scale");if scale<=0 then scale = 1 else scale = scale/100 end obj:set_properties({visual_size = {x=scale, y=scale}}); end, action_off = function (pos, node,ttl) if ttl<0 then return end pos.x = round(pos.x);pos.y = round(pos.y);pos.z = round(pos.z); local obj = minetest.add_entity({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}, "basic_machines:ball"); local luaent = obj:get_luaentity(); luaent.energy = -1; obj:set_properties({textures={"basic_machines_ball.png^[colorize:blue:120"}}) end } }, on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) local name = sender:get_player_name();if minetest.is_protected(pos,name) then return end if fields.OK then local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(sender:get_player_name()); local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local x0=0; local y0=0; local z0=0; --minetest.chat_send_all("form at " .. dump(pos) .. " fields " .. dump(fields)) if fields.x0 then x0 = tonumber(fields.x0) or 0 end if fields.y0 then y0 = tonumber(fields.y0) or 0 end if fields.z0 then z0 = tonumber(fields.z0) or 0 end if not privs.privs and (math.abs(x0)>10 or math.abs(y0)>10 or math.abs(z0) > 10) then return end meta:set_int("x0",x0);meta:set_int("y0",y0);meta:set_int("z0",z0); local speed,energy,bounce,gravity,puncheable,solid; energy = meta:get_float("energy"); -- if positive activates, negative deactivates, 0 does nothing bounce = meta:get_int("bounce"); -- if nonzero bounces when hit obstacle, 0 gets absorbed gravity = meta:get_float("gravity"); -- gravity puncheable = meta:get_int("puncheable"); -- if 1 can be punched by players in protection, if 2 can be punched by anyone solid = meta:get_int("solid"); if fields.speed then local speed = tonumber(fields.speed) or 0; if (speed > 10 or speed < 0) and not privs.privs then return end meta:set_float("speed", speed) end if fields.energy then local energy = tonumber(fields.energy) or 1; meta:set_float("energy", energy) end if fields.bounce then local bounce = tonumber(fields.bounce) or 1; meta:set_int("bounce",bounce) end if fields.gravity then local gravity = tonumber(fields.gravity) or 1; if (gravity<0 or gravity>30) and not privs.privs then return end meta:set_float("gravity", gravity) end if fields.puncheable then meta:set_int("puncheable", tonumber(fields.puncheable) or 0) end if fields.solid then meta:set_int("solid", tonumber(fields.solid) or 0) end if fields.lifetime then meta:set_int("lifetime", tonumber(fields.lifetime) or 0) end if fields.hurt then meta:set_float("hurt", tonumber(fields.hurt) or 0) end if fields.hp then meta:set_float("hp", math.abs(tonumber(fields.hp)) or 0) end if fields.texture then meta:set_string ("texture", fields.texture); end if fields.scale then local scale = math.abs(tonumber(fields.scale)) or 100; if scale>1000 and not privs.privs then scale = 1000 end meta:set_int("scale", scale) end if fields.visual then local visual = fields.visual or ""; if visual~="sprite" and visual~="cube" then return end meta:set_string ("visual", fields.visual); end ball_spawner_update_form(pos); end end, after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger) local name = digger:get_player_name(); local inv = digger:get_inventory(); inv:remove_item("main", ItemStack("basic_machines:ball_spawner")); local stack = ItemStack("basic_machines:ball_spell"); local meta = oldmetadata["fields"]; meta["formspec"]=nil; stack:set_metadata(minetest.serialize(meta)); inv:add_item("main",stack); end }) local spelltime = {}; -- ball as magic spell user can cast minetest.register_tool("basic_machines:ball_spell", { description = "ball spawner", inventory_image = "basic_machines_ball.png", tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 2, max_drop_level=0, }, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local pos = user:getpos();pos.y=pos.y+1; local meta = minetest.deserialize(itemstack:get_metadata()); if not meta then return end local owner = meta["owner"] or ""; --if minetest.is_protected(pos,owner) then return end local t0 = spelltime[owner] or 0; local t1 = minetest.get_gametime(); if t1-t0<2 then return end -- too soon spelltime[owner]=t1; local obj = minetest.add_entity({x=pos.x,y=pos.y,z=pos.z}, "basic_machines:ball"); local luaent = obj:get_luaentity(); local speed,energy,bounce,gravity,puncheable; speed = tonumber(meta["speed"]) or 0; energy = tonumber(meta["energy"]) or 0; -- if positive activates, negative deactivates, 0 does nothing bounce = tonumber(meta["bounce"]) or 0; -- if nonzero bounces when hit obstacle, 0 gets absorbed gravity = tonumber(meta["gravity"]) or 0; -- gravity puncheable = tonumber(meta["puncheable"]) or 0; -- if 1 can be punched by players in protection, if 2 can be punched by anyone if energy<0 then obj:set_properties({textures={"basic_machines_ball.png^[colorize:blue:120"}}) end luaent.bounce = bounce; luaent.energy = energy; if gravity>0 then obj:setacceleration({x=0,y=-gravity,z=0}); end luaent.puncheable = puncheable; luaent.owner = meta["owner"]; luaent.hurt = math.min(tonumber(meta["hurt"]),basic_machines.ball.maxdamage); obj:set_hp( tonumber(meta["hp"]) ); local x0,y0,z0; if speed>0 then luaent.speed = speed end local v = user:get_look_dir(); v.x=v.x*speed;v.y=v.y*speed;v.z=v.z*speed; obj:setvelocity(v); if tonumber(meta["admin"])==1 then luaent.lifetime = tonumber(meta["lifetime"]); end obj:set_properties({textures={meta["texture"]}}) end, }) -- minetest.register_craft({ -- output = "basic_machines:ball_spawner", -- recipe = { -- {"basic_machines:power_cell"}, -- {"basic_machines:keypad"} -- } -- })